Are you asking regarding his diet or supplementation? Lions Mane has been found to promote ulcer protection and significant protection activity against gastric mucosal injury by preventing the depletion of antioxidant enzymes. Can you give me some advice. What is the status? It is also missing K2. -Reservatrol, Multivitamins: Im wondering what else you think might be good. For the older generations, this includes mainly digestive health, cognitive function, bone health, eye health and heart health. She is 74 yrs old and is taking Carbidopa-Levodopa to treat her Parkinsons Disease but unfortunately, it isnt relieving the symptoms. Alex, thanks for your suggestions. For example, if you wanted a higher dose of magnesium and vitamin C than provided in a multivitamin, it may make more sense to take a B-complex with magnesium and vitamin C. It depends on your needs and budget. You may have other genes that also confirm this. -Garlic, and Now there was indeed an NSF stamp on the top label. It affects both men and women. In addition to getting her off Prozac, with her new Drs consent after an intense stress test, we also took her off Atenolol which shed been on unnecessarily for 15+ yrs. . Some Centrum products are specific for women or men, while others intended are for children or adults over 50. -Vitamin C with flavonoids by Thorne research. least new to me has caught my eye its called Naturelo Multis its manufactured in America I just wondered if you had any information regarding this All are important for bones and brain health. These are known to degrade post-harvest in fruits and vegetables, and it would be helpful if the company tested their products months after production for customers to know how much the amounts are changing. Hi Alex, Your articles are very informative. A study concluded that elder people with poor diets, especially with low antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, are more prone to developing macular degeneration and benefit from supplementation. I am a generally healthy 61 yr old recently diagnosed with osteoporosis and osteopenia. 14. pharmacist if you have questions about the best way to throw out drugs. Thank you! The Star Energetics multivitamin uses the right forms of vitamins and minerals but may come up short for you. Unfortunately I have been taking Centrum Silver for a number of years (recommended by my doctor when I turned 50) but fortunately for me I found your website which is so impressive and informative and I will take your recommendation for Thorne Basic Nutrients 2. Alzheimers disease is characterized by progressive dysfunction of memory and higher cognitive functions with abnormal accumulation of extracellular amyloid plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles throughout cortical and limbic brain regions. how about Emerald Womens Daily Multi (30) or If lithium prevents dementia, then we may have overlooked a very simple means of preventing a major public health problem.. I agree with you that the B6 dosage is unnecessarily high, even with one capsule. Statin drugs inhibit CoQ10 production. The Calton Nutrition multi-vitamin looks like a solid choice. ConsumerLab tested 39 popular multivitamin supplements, including Centrum, Bayer One a Day, USANA. Read More. B12 deficiency is even more pronounced in those with digestive disorders, gene variants in FUT2, or those taking medications like proton pump inhibitors and Metformin. Check your glutathione genes. not sure if i will ever buy Thorne again. I was looking at your best of list for seniors and was hoping you could evaluate this product: Life Extension, Two-Per-Day Tablets, 60 Tablets. Thank you. Thank you! Tell your I am over 65. These include nighttime pain relievers, antihistamines, sleep aids, antidepressants, incontinence drugs and narcotic pain relievers. On the good side, my doctor recently took me off of statin drugs as I do not meet the revised risk assessements with the exception of high bad cholesterol (I have been on statins since 1985 when prescribed by a Navy doctor. High blood pressure is found to be associated with 4,677 drugs and 5,008 conditions by eHealthMe. WARNING: Please DO NOT STOP MEDICATIONS without first consulting a physician since doing so could be hazardous to your health. Follow all instructions closely. Here is a list of vitamin C recommendations. Unfortunately getting anything here is difficult. I spent years designing this software while in clinical practice, and it has been by far the most useful testing Ive done on people to help determine the best dietary and supplemental approach. I HAVE READ SEVERAL OTHER PEOPLES ARTICLES BUT I FIND YOURS VERY THOROUGH, WITH GREAT EXPLANATIONS. Now the Vitamin D has increased up to 35 mg after supplying it separately. Centrum uses the oxide form of magnesium, which only 4% is absorbed. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or at provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. Muscle pain is a side effect of CoQ10 induced deficiency from statins. Titanium dioxide. You will have to check and turn your head to the side to read the labels since they uploaded them sideways if you are okay with the additional ingredients beyond the vitamins and minerals. B12 and biotin are excessively high, even for this formula 200mcg of selenium may be too high for some people. what do you think about Eco Drink Multivitamin for a person over 55? Research found that it could markedly inhibit the growth of ER positive and ER negative breast cancer cells by about 99%. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT Natrol JuiceFestiv, 240 Capsules for a person of 65? Recently she went for exercise therapy. I dont know anything about your dads blood work and the reasons behind the use of the statin, but I think you will find the cholesterol section of this article enlightening: How to Interpret Your Cardiovascular Blood Work in 5 Easy Steps. The complexity of the default network is also responsible for self-awareness, memory, future planning, empathy and moral judgment. However, most people don't need to take multivitamins or dietary supplements. I am interested in the Primitive Scientific formula. I have used Thorne Research in my nutrition practice for years, and have talked with their customer service and medical staff anytime I have had a question about their product. The other fascinating characteristic of Lions Mane is the gastro-protective effecton the digestive system. Great job with her nutrition. These are two multivitamins and minerals I am interested in purchasing. The product doesnt look bad, but you want to make some foundational changes first to get the most benefits. If you take it on an empty stomach, you will not absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, and carotenoid absorption goes way down. I applaud you for making the change towards a healthier lifestyle! I have an article on colds/flu that you may find helpful. Thank you Sir Alex! Thank you for sharing your story! They say all the cancer was removed with on caveat-the cancer was close to a blood vessel which in other instances has lead to additional cancer. Now Foods Multi-Food: I would switch this one to Thorne Research Basic Nutrients due to the use of folic acid and cyanocobalamin. However, the production of CoQ10 can be encouraged. I also take clonazePAM 0.5 mg for anxiety once a day & from the research I see can cause some deplections. Im in India and looking for a multivitamin for my dad who is 71. Summary. As this product is for the European market, it's prepared based on the European Union Food Information Directive, which recommends slightly different amounts of nutrients than the United States' National Institutes of Health. Foods high in phytoestrogens are key for estrogen post-menopause, along with sufficient magnesium, zinc/copper balance, silicon, vitamin K1, K2, vitamin C, inositol, L-arginine and boron. With that information in hand, talk with your doctor about how the supplement could affect your health. Alex, is the Vitamin D in the Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/day enough or should I take extraif extra, what is the best supplement? Hi Alex, I just wanted to say that I googled multivitamins for 60+ and love your info and explanations. My mum visited some practitioners before, but not much improvement could be seen. Thank you. The following can lead to low melatonin levels: SAD, Bi-Polar, breast cancer, prostate cancer, Alzheimers, Dementia, low blood flow, Caffeine, alcohol, chronic stress, nicotine, beta-blockers, certain anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and tranquilizers deplete melatonin. She does have diverticulosis. Based on the fact that Xanax has worked for you for panic attacks, it shows there is an imbalance of glutamate (excitatory) and GABA (calming). I have already submitted a comment today . Ive read about those vitamins and about these but cant find his situation. It is used to help growth and good health. However . Im wondering about the type of zinc (chelated) in the Thorne product and thinking to add a zinc supplement of another type. A higher cost doesnt always mean higher quality, and I try to seek these out for people. It does not contain any harmful fillers or food dyes. I know that Naturelo ships to the UK. So that helps a bunch! The highest the vitamin D is going to go in a multivitamin is 2,000IU. I wouldnt recommend this product for you due to the use of synthetic folic acid instead of methylfolate. Are you in the 35-50ng/ml range? She cant talk but can nod her head or use eyes to express herself, but at sometimes she totally cant respond at all. Results of our real-world drug study have been referenced on 600+ medical publications, including The Lancet, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, and Nature. If you are eating a lot of dark green vegetables, calcium supplementation is not necessary. Please do not tell me to talk it over with my health care provider. He has taken (long-term) Plavix, lo dose aspirin, metformin, and cozaar, and others. I think the perception of this age has changed quite a bit in one generation, and 60 is starting to seem much younger. Hi Alex , I designed Nutrition Genome to figure out the best way to approach cases like your mom. Acid reflux is often from poor bacterial flora and low stomach acid, not high stomach acid. This research is preliminary and is not enough to support taking garlic solely to lower blood pressure. Also what multi vitamin would you recommend for her? She is taking amlodipine 10mg since 1.5 years ago. Cathy. Thanks for any help! Xtend does have the right idea of going lower than other formulas and makes a note of it and I think under 200IU for a supplement should be fine. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding. I have searched the web for a long time and feel your site is the best I have come across. Throughout the years Ive taken Vitamins and the one I found that seems to absorb nicely with my digestion is Quest Multi and Chelated mineral. That product can be found on this article. Once Daily Women 50+. I did notice that you dont mention taking a CoQ10 ubiquinol supplement. I am actually a different Swanson! That is very expensive and a tough call if that is your only option. Im thinking Bee Pollen wouldnt hurt as well since its a food, but, let me know if you have reservations. (Hubbardston, Michigan). -Glutamate Scavenger (niacin), Lutein and zeaxanthin are crucial to eye health. And am concerned if I am getting the nutrition I need. Throw away unused or expired drugs. If you miss a dose, use it as soon as you remember. At present she is suffering from shoulder joint pain.Not recovered with steroid injection in the joint. I would reach out to the companies and see if they will ship to you. Use your next dose at the regular time. Could you say something of pros and cons to this strategy? Read more about magnesium in my article here. Ive purchased Natrello products based on your other reviews. I checked my clinical guide of medicinal mushrooms and the only caution is for asthma and other allergic conditions.. During the last 25 days of starting these multi-vitamins I have had 3 Niacin flushes Been taking an extra B-12 2500 mcg and an extra 1000 mg of Vitamin Cdont know if I should be taking all this. Kind regards, 3)SOMETHING THAT WOULD HELP WITH MY MEMORY AND NERVES. Yes, I know my prescriptions have a lot to do with how I feel, but I dont have much choice in that. That mix up happens a lot. This formula does not have copper, can take the place of a vitamin E supplement, contains lutein and zeaxanthin for the eyes, K2 as MK-7 to direct calcium to where it is supposed to go (I would also ask your practitioner about taking extra magnesium, which is a natural calcium blocker and is in high need for athletes) and methylfolate for MTHFR variant requirements. Have read much on this but would love to know from your experience. Cal-Mag Citrate (Effervescent Powder). DHA protects the brain from elevated blood sugar and lowers the risk of diabetes, lowers triglycerides, helps prevents cognitive decline and Alzheimers disease, reduces sudden death from heart attack by 50% with 200mg, prevents cardiac arrhythmias and lowers depression, lowers blood pressure, prevents tumor formation and arthritis. I apologize, I had replied but it looks like it didnt post. 2 - GNC MEGA MEN. If you need to avoid vitamin K due to blood thinners, this is a good choice. "While Centrum Silver is a household name, a generic multivitamin will be much less expensive and have almost the same composition," Famularo says. Ive been able to help my dad dramatically with supplementation and diet and almost used him as a case study in this article, but didnt want to make the article too long. Hi Alex, my Mom is 62 years, vegeterian, she has been taking Telmisartan 40 for her high blood pressure for about 7 years now, and with this medication her blood pressure has remained mostly within the normal range. Ginseng is best avoided by patients with high or low blood pressure concerns. After reading your article I want her to try the Magnesium L-Threonate, shes becoming more forgetful so looking for ways to boost her memory (will be adding other supplements you recommended in this article to her regiment.) The first one I just updated with all the latest research, and I made sure to include research related to leukemia for you. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. I currently live in the Philippines. Centrum Silver, o Centrum Silver +50, es un multivitamnico para adultos mayores de 50 aos que sirve para complementar la ingesta diaria recomendada de vitaminas y minerales. The tricky thing with plant-based protein powders is taste and if it is easy to digest. Sleep deprivation increases the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. What would you recommend as a vitamin supplement. Im not aware of any coagulation properties of Lions Mane. I would prefer that they didnt use synthetic beta-carotene. It is worth getting her a vitamin D test to see if she is low first, and then based on the current level, her health practitioner can suggest the best dosage. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland as it gets dark and makes you sleepy. This one contains folic acid and cyanocobalamin, so I dont recommend it. I hope the Nutrition Genome Report was able to give you deeper insight into what exactly your personal biochemistry needs to for optimal health. The Top 7 Cancer Fighting Mushrooms I would avoid it due to the use of sucralose, synthetic vitamin E (Dl-alpha Tocopheryl Acetate) folic acid and cyanocobalamin. blessings, A PPI strongly affects nutrient absorption, especially in older populations. C-Salts Vitamin C Powder: Ive seen this buffered powder version work very well for EBV. Can you recommend a Multivitamin for estrogen positive breast cancer cancer survivor taking tamoxifen? Moral judgment in hand, talk with your doctor about how the supplement could affect your health to., memory, future planning, empathy and moral judgment even for this formula 200mcg selenium. 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