I am drafted by the inactivity of others to do history work, he tells me. It would have been the easiest thing to do. Ben Key was a slave to Isaac Franklin at Fairvue. And I think something like that has happened over and again, symbolically.. How does a person inside the family measure the inheritance of slave trading? This forced resettlement was 20 times larger than Andrew Jacksons Indian removal campaigns of the 1830s, which gave rise to the original Trail of Tears as it drove tribes of Native Americans out of Georgia, Mississippi and Alabama. The coffle moved along at three miles an hour. Overland coffles would have used the road that molders off in the trees. With that signal from Natchez, Armfield began vacuuming up people from the Virginia countryside. They came to look at my negroes & wanted to buy seven or eight, but they objected to the price, Waller said. The companys agents sent people down to Franklin & Armfields slavepens (another word that has disappeared) in Alexandria, just nine miles south of the U.S. Capitol: seamstresses, nurses, valets, field hands, hostlers, carpenters, cooks, houseboys, coachmen, laundresses, boatmen. He became interested in Franklin and Armfield after perceiving a relative paucity of books or articles about the duo what he called a gaping hole in all of the literature on the slave trade.. Of course, that is only some.. The path the slaves took is beautiful. As U.S. 11 steps into Tennessee, the road finds the Holston River and runs parallel to it. They placed ads in local newspapers seeking enslaved people almost every single day they remained in business. Some names in the lists are familiar. This seemed to be as much a part of Franklin and Armfields culture of business as, say, going to the bar after a successful court case might be the culture of a successful law firms business.. Address me at Morales, Jackson Co., Texas.Mary Haynes.. On the lintel above the door you can see in faded paint its old sign, which reads, ___ CHANGE. The St. Louis Hotel was razed in 1916, but it was in the hotel that the Slave Trail ended in the most spectacular scenes. I am now waiting for a safe boat to set out for you, he wrote. The Wallers lived outside Amherst, Virginia, and owned some 25 black people and a plantation called Forest Grove. He was sold to a man from Mississippi, his mother to a man from Texas. There was one place en route, however, with a small slave marketAberdeen, Mississippi. Armfield has at least one direct black descendant, Rodney Williams, who wrote about his heritage which he said he discovered through DNA testing in an essay included in Slaverys Descendants, published in May. Her name was Hermina. In Virginia, the coffles marched from town to town. She is a politician now, elected to the city council in the late 1990s and to the Virginia House of Delegates in 2009. Caravans like Armfields covered about 20 miles a day. While still a boy, Armfield ran away from home, vowing not to return until he had acquired more wealth than his father, Nathan Armfield. And then they were goneout to plantations in northern Louisiana, or central Mississippi, or southern Alabama. No wonder that there should be robberies and assassinations in such a population.. Hundreds of thousands crossed this waymigrants, enslaved people, whites, Indians. He turns. From the beginning, they divvied the work according to each mans strength: Armfield, based in Virginia, managed the buying side of things and arranged transportation, Rothman said. Columned, brick and symmetrical, it was just about the finest house in the state, people said, second only to the Hermitage, the estate of President Andrew Jackson. Today a few of the plantations survive. And that includes about Isaac Franklin. Now, I heard this more than 50 years ago from my great-grandfather, who was born in 1874, or two generations closer than me to the time in question. Theophilus Freeman, who sold Solomon Northup, ofTwelve Years a Slave, operated over there. As he pushed his hands down the pike, Waller felt guilty about Sarah and Indian, he told his wife. The floor is a marble mosaic. Four or five tents were spread, and the large wagons, which were to accompany the expedition, were stationed where they could be piled high with provisions and other necessaries. New clothes were loaded in bundles. Born in 1797 to lapsed Quakers who farmed several hundred acres in North Carolina and owned a small number of enslaved people, Armfield spent his early adulthood pursuing a variety of unsuccessful ventures, including a small mercantile shop which he was forced to abandon after his affair. Most slave traders at that time were considered common and uncouth, with no social graces. The display was weirdly silent. After Isaac died, in 1846, they published the succession, an inventory of his belongings, he says. The people who accompanied him included a boy of 8 or 9 called Pleasant; Mitchell, who was 10 or 11; a teenage boy named Samson; three teenage sisters, Sarah Ann, Louisa and Lucy; Henry, about 17; a man named Nelson and his wife; a man in his 20s called Foster; and a young mother named Sarah, with her daughter Indian, about age 2. So-called mulatresses., Isaac Franklin was all over this market. Here it is. Watching the things burn. Later the same wagons hauled those who had collapsed and could not be roused with a whip. Ballard, Rice C. (Rice Carter), -1860. But I recognize the melody, and let the song pass. Today the road leaving town becomes U.S. Route 50, a big-shouldered highway. Waller knew his family. After an hour of this, the showing of the lively stock, the enslaved stood in rows on long overhanging porches. In 1857 alone, the sale of people in Richmond amounted to $4 million, McInnis said. Most of the others were under 20. She moved with her parents to New Garden Monthly Meeting in Guilford County, North Carolina. Today the Great Wagon Road, or Valley Turnpike, is known as U.S. Route 11, a two-lane that runs between soft and misty mountains, with pretty byways. And it really is a trace, the faint line of what used to be a wagon road. In 1835, it was 4,723. Put them all together, we are like a big sports team. And here, someone close to the memory of it says much the same. I feel a certain detachment from it, I suppose. And Ill tell you what nobody ever talks about. After a few days Glenn turned up in Roxboro. He was born in 1812 in Virginia. Isaac Franklin had no children who survived, Thomson had told me on the phone. Which means that Isaac Franklin was my great-great-great-great-uncle., It is an important gloss, as it turns out: You see, Thomson said, my forebear James Franklin was the family member who introduced Isaac Franklin to the slave business., Taking a seat in an armchair upholstered in wine-colored brocade, he picks up the story. A few people launch into stories about the brave Confederates. A Bible from the family of John Armfield. Thomson emphasizes these last sentences. No. Sarah and Indian, the mother and daughter, wanted to be sold together. The men dressed in navy blue suits with shiny brass buttonsas they marched singly and by twos and threes in a circle, wrote Felix Hadsell, a local man. New Orleans, the biggest slave market in the country, had about 50 people-selling companies in the 1840s. That was possible largely because of the traders willingness to be unusually cruel and heartless even for a business built around the sale of human beings as they committed atrocities they appeared to relish. Can you tell it in a way that is not going to injure my sensitivity? So one of his men picked a shallow place and tested it by sending over a wagon and four horses. There was also Mitchell, a boy of 10 or 11, and Foster, 20-ish and strong, his prize hand. In Louisiana the top prices could be had for a buck, a muscled man bound for the hell of the sugar fields. He lives alone in a five-room cottage in a black section of town, away from the camera-ready center of Natchez. It worked like this: Relying on a network of headhunters spread across Virginia, Maryland and the District, Armfield would round up enslaved people, holding them in an open-air pen behind the house in Alexandria or sometimes in its crowded, filthy basement until hed amassed a sufficient number: usually between 100 and 200. A clergyman who saw a march toward Shenandoah remembered that the gang members, having left their wives, children, or other near connections and never likely to meet them again in this world, sang to drown the suffering of mind they were brought into. Witnesses said Old Virginia Never Tire was one song all the coffles sang. It is an easy chat between strangers, until I bring up the slave days. He was a minister. The only reason why we are in America is because our ancestors were force-brought in chains to help build the country. On September 6, the gang was marching 50 miles southwest of Roanoke. My mother was sold from me: After slavery, the desperate search for loved ones in last seen ads. You want your history? he said. Just outside town, the Trace comes to an end at a shabby intersection. She was sold for $1250 to one of the most lecherous-looking old brutes I ever set eyes on, the reporter noted. There were so-called fancy girls, young women who would work mainly as concubines. Sold down the river labels a raft of loss. Some whites went to the slave auctions for entertainment. Through their company, commonly known as Franklin and. Records of that part of the journey do not survive, nor do records about the individual slaves in the coffle. Nearly enclosed by green curtains of limbs, it feels like a tunnel. As the steamboat churned to dock, it passed ships berthed five or six deep, miles of them, from all nations of the earth, bringing in their products and carrying away ours. The arrival, gangplank on the levee, cargo everywhere. When Hoyt and her cousins finally put the clues together, what they discovered horrified them: This family of educators, scientists and physicians was indirectly descended from Isaac Franklin,. All the servants were black. Many of their descendants own the cottages today. Armfields marriage never yielded any children, and Franklins children with Hayes all died without producing offspring, according to Rothman, so the two men have no direct white descendants living today. They bought shoes for them, blankets for them, brought in doctors to treat them. You know they took advantage of the black women, and there were no repercussions there. But until recently, the Slave Trail was buried in memory. But by the time Waller arrived, Franklin was gone. Their drivers paid good money for food. After the women came the big wagonssix or seven in all. His book, Slaves in the Family (1998) won the National Book Award and was a New York Times bestseller. soon moved the BUcks COunty, PA where he taught school and had 5 sons and 3 daughters. of [father unknown] and [mother unknown] John Armfield: Muttenz Descendants, Inc. Muttenz Descendants, Inc. Muttenz Descendants, Inc.is a not-for-profit tax-exempt corporation portraying and honoring the frontier heritage of Muttenz descendants and their neighbors. You have to unearth it.. Waller was pinching pennies. Dabney told him that I must not take less than my pricethey were worth it., He later wrote home, I have sold! I ring the doorbell at the house the Slave Trail built. In Roanoke, at a tourist information outlet called Virginias Blue Ridge. Reading lights look like converted oil lamps. So Ben Keys son Hilery Key, who was a slave born in 1833, and brother to Jack Key, my great-grandfather, was one of the 22 men who founded the Methodist Episcopal Church in this area. I think America continues to be uncomfortable talking about the original sin of slavery, McInnis said. That was just part of life. I read, in many places, that slave traders had sex with the women they bought and sold. Many went without their parents, or spouses, or siblingsand some without their childrenwhom they were made to leave behind. Slaves were routinely insuredplenty of companies did that sort of business, with policies guarding against damage. But collecting on such damage would be inconvenient. But the tourist money is fairly recent. When cotton went low, they did not. Theyre the ones who turned the business of selling humans from one part of the U.S. to another into a very modern, organized business no longer just one trader who might move a few people from one plantation to another, said Maurie D. McInnis, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin who studies the cultural history of slavery. We had a maid, and we had a yard man. This is the oldest settled portion of the state and bears the appearance of great comfort, refinement and elegance, Waller wrote. This morning finds us six miles west of Abingdon, Waller wrote home from one of the richer towns. BY KATE PARRISH O n May 11, 1857, James Hervey Otey, the Episcopal bishop of Tennessee, wrote to John Armfield asking for help. They were guarding 200 men and boys lined up in twos, their wrists handcuffed together, a chain running the length of 100 pairs of hands. About August 25, they reached Winchester and turned south, entering the Shenandoah Valley. John's three married daughters had rem ained in Pennsylvania. John Matthew Salilig (Matt Salilig / Facebook) Marcos said this following the arrest of at least 17 suspects behind the death of the 24-year-old student whose body was found in Imus, Cavite on Feb. 28, after one of the suspects disclosed the location. Long stretches of U.S. 11 look much like the Valley Turnpike did during the 1830srolling fields, horses and cattle on hills. He worked for a partnership of slave dealers called Franklin & Armfield, run by his uncle. No commands given by anyone, no noise about it, no talking in the ranks, no laughter or merriment, just marching, round and round. On the whole, things werent that bad. Short white hair, short white beard, khakis, cotton short-sleeve with flap pockets and epaulets. Then she came to me and said, Aint you my child? Glenn recalled. I think of it as the Slave Trail of Tears. What to do or where to go I know notI am surrounded by difficulty, he brooded. PARENT . Armfield had no wish to continue without his longtime partner. I say, your great-great-grandparents were enslaved persons. He was not describing the Forks, a mile east of the nice part of town. The Slave Trail of Tears is the great missing migrationa thousand-mile-long river of people, all of them black, reaching from Virginia to Louisiana. The journey ended, the business done, Waller headed home. They were probably younger, but nobody was checking.. Sarah & child $800Henry $800. He shakes his head. Can anyone inform me of the whereabouts of John Person, the son of Hannah Person, of Alexandria, Va., who belonged to Alexander Sancter? His four children all died before they grew up. He carries a poster, 4 by 6 feet, in the back of his red Nissan truck. He was the co-founder of Franklin & Armfield, "the largest slave trading firm" in the United States. She points to a document from the steamerHibernia, which arrived from Louisville in 1831. Our mission is to offer gracious hospitality while providing opportunities for connecting with God & community. The migration swelled to a widening stream. Today in New Orleans, the number of monuments, markers and historic sites that refer in some way to the domestic slave trade is quite small. Franklin developed a taste for the business and, after taking a brief break to fight in the War of 1812, dedicated himself to slave trading full-time. In 1834, the two men became family when Armfield married Franklins niece. Multiply that by 200. They say there were no feelings here.. She burst forth in the most frantic wails that ever despair gave utterance to., William Wallers depression lifted after he left New Orleans and returned to Mississippi. We had a nurse, a woman who used to be called a mammy. On the ground, a carpet of mud, and leaves beneath it, and dirt under the leaves. He came home to Natchez in 1995 and discovered Forks of the Road. McQuinn was raised in Richmond, the capital of Virginia and the former capital of the Confederacya city crowded with monuments to the Old South. Since 2007, a proposal to incorporate the site into the National Park Service has been creeping toward approval. Kenneth Thomson opens the door to his house, which is clapboard and painted a pretty cottage yellowquaint, not grand. Like other Franklin gangs, the 300 probably got on flatboats in the Cumberland River and floated three days down to the Ohio River, and then drifted down another day to reach the Mississippi. So Isaac had at least one black child, but this daughter of his left the state of Tennessee, and nobody knows what happened to her. At the same time, that doesnt mean that he didnt have bad habits, Thomson clarifies. Its been six years since Rothman began his research, crisscrossing the country to scour old documents such as property transactions in Louisiana, court cases in Mississippi, ship manifests in Alexandria. Thomas Dabney was an acquaintance from Virginia who had moved to Raymond, on the Natchez Trace, 12 years earlier and doubled his already thick riches as a cotton planter. It is the humanity of our ancestors denied that I am interested in. It is 12 feet wide, 25 feet long and covered with kudzu, buried beneath mud and brush. I pull in at various towns and ask around. A reedy voice, gentle manners. Now those, gesturing at some more yellowed papers, are the worst for me, she says. They first came over here as indentured servants, as did the whites. That applies to Southern history, to slave history. They were turning out the new Valley Turnpike, a macadam surface with ditches at the sides. The labels in the coats once read, Brooks Brothers. She is in the French Quarter, in a gallery of the archive where she works, and all around her are artifacts about the slave trade. We in New Orleans have come a long way since Hurricane Katrina in terms of the comfort level of addressing certain subjects. In Winchester, the Winchester-. I was sold with a younger sisterBettie. He complained that his wifes brother Samuel had condescended to him a few months before. Franklin worked with a few partners over the years but connected with his longest-lasting collaborator the man who became his closest friend, confidant and nephew by marriage in the early 1820s. We studied hundreds of shipping manifests and compiled data on 70,000 individuals. One thing that is hard to document but impossible to ignore is the fancy trade. New Orleans had a niche market. I could not shake off my chains, nor move a yard without the consent of my master., (My own ancestors held slaves in South Carolina for six generations. I put the car on the shoulder and walk into the woods to find the real Natchez Trace. They were made to go, deported, you could say, having been sold. The slave-trade site it mentions, Masperos Exchange, was diagonally across the street from the sandwich place.. My aim is to preserve every inch of dirt in this area, Boxley says. Some carried small children. It is a refrain among Southern whites who remain emotionally attached to the plantation daysthat one in 1,000 slaveholders who were black vindicates in some fashion 999 who were not. Born in 1797 in Guilford County, North Carolina, Armfield was coming off a brief stint running a mercantile business and, unsure of what to do next, he may have turned to the slave trade at Franklin's suggestion. You say it was 150 years ago? There is one marker on a wall outside a restaurant called Masperos. In the morning during winter, the high selling season, black people were marched in circles in front of the dealers shacks. I shall proceed to sell sixty slaves, of various ages, in families, Hite said. You find them repeatedly. (Video: Victoria Walker, John Parks/The Washington Post), For more than 50 years The Thomas Jefferson Foundation has been working to incorporate the story on the enslaved community on Jefferson's plantation. Waller decided to try to sell one or two people there. Historic Structures Report The Historic Structures Report (HSR) for 1315 Duke Street, the Freedom House Museum, was formally presented by SmithGroup on October 28, 2021. Slaves for sale wore a uniform of sorts. I wrote the text for four of the markers, he says, sitting on a bench and looking over the grass. Sometimes, he finds it difficult to keep going. He was a strict Quaker and a school teacher by profession. Waller planned to sell all of them. No, I dont believe in revisionist history.. There they were sold to new bosses and dispersed in a 300-mile radius to the sugar and cotton plantations. It is a fact that the ones over here are far ahead of the ones over there in Africa. They were discovered, and it caused a panic. Members of the Armfield family among the travelers were John, his wife, and their five sons-William, John, Jr., Robert, Isaac and Thomas and all their families. Sarah Ann $675, Louisa $650. While still a boy, Armfield ran away from home, vowing not to return until he had acquired more wealth than his father, Nathan Armfield. The yards were parade grounds that worked like showrooms. My name was then Hannah Person, it is now Hannah Cole. Several of Thomas Dabneys children lie beneath granite stones. Those kinds of stubborn myths they need demolition., Aaron Burr villain of Hamilton had a secret family of color, new research shows. The auctioneer was a handsome young man, devoting himself exclusively to the sale of young mulatto women, the reporter wrote of a sale in 1855. They give the impression of perfect manners. Bettie was sold to a man named Reed, and I was sold and carried to New Orleans and from there to Texas. Life looking up since the divorce. Construction began in 1906 as a home for Harden Thomas Martin, a Reidsville merchant who had it built for his . Genealogy for John Franklin Layfayette Armfield (1858 - 1910) family tree on Geni, with over 240 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Not a single offer, Waller wrote. Now Angela symbolizes a brutal history. Florence Hall Blair, born and raised in Nashville, is 73, a retired nurse. He counted nine wagons and carriages and some 200 men manacled and chained to each other, lining up in double file. He knew how rare this was, so he decided to go back to his birthplace and look for his parents. In the 1830s, Armfield fulfilled his vow as the partner of . But he stood in the door, in front of my grandfather, and lit a match to the papers. Before 1619, there was 1526: The mystery of the first enslaved Africans in what became the United States, Hunting down runaway slaves: The cruel ads of Andrew Jackson and the master class, Here are the facts about the enslavement of Africans in U.S. history. , but they objected to the slave Trail of Tears their parents, siblingsand... Sending over a wagon and four horses chained to each other, lining up in Roxboro sold from:... Look much like the Valley Turnpike did during the 1830srolling fields, horses and cattle on hills last seen.! Their company, commonly known as Franklin and need demolition., Aaron Burr villain Hamilton! That slave traders had sex with the women they bought and sold by over... Song all the coffles marched from town to town Harden Thomas Martin, a carpet of,... From Natchez, Armfield began vacuuming up people from the steamerHibernia, which is and. Ancestors denied that i am drafted by the inactivity of others to do Quaker and a plantation called Grove... 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