Sean and Daniel encounter Chris in his backyard while running from the Police, he gives Daniel his Captain Spirit cape and directs them to a path where the cops won't find them. Sean can find Daniel, eventually playfully scaring him if he manages to get him from behind. Big Joe will be injured at the end of the confrontation. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire he will have the option to tell the group about how they ran away from Hank after escaping. Sean will just proceed to watch an old family Christmas video on his phone and then throw it off the balcony. If Daniel was asked to tell the truth to Chris but disobeyed, then he blames himself for the accident. Caused by: Sean choosing to surrender and Daniel having Low Morality during the game's finale. If Sean didn't agree with Finn's plan, Cassidy will send very warm and supportive letter. If Chris is hit by the car, Daniel will blame Sean. When examining the soda at night, Sean will be glad he brought soda so that Daniel could get a sugar rush. The exact dialogue in the lake will vary depending on Sean's intimacy level with Cassidy. He will write in his sketchbook he won't forgive himself and he's able to stab a friend in the back to save himself. To catch up, Life is Strange 2 tells the story of two young Mexican-American brothers who are on the run after their father is killed by a police officer in a fatal accident. Sean climbs out the window onto the construction scaffolding, then carefully gathering his things from the staff room without waking the guard in the hallway, and escapes the hospital unnoticed. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. -, Daniel used his power to save Chris from the car. When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will claim that a call was made to her from the house. Episode 1 introduced us to the emotional story of what happens when two young brothers lose their father and learn that the younger boy, 9-year-old Daniel, has supernatural powers. If Daniel agrees to tidy the room, don't say anything when he uses his power to do it. Sean will be thankful to know that Chris is fine. Daniel will wear his raccoon sweater, both at the campfire and during the heist. When the Sheriff arrives at the door, he will either claim that someone logged onto Sean's social media account from the Reynolds' house or that Daniel and Sean were seen at the Christmas market. Daniel is more conflicted about his power while talking to Sean before boarding the train. This guarantees to increase the likelihood that Sean will refer to Doris as "okay, almost nice" in his sketchbook. saying "Fucking A!" The car swerves sideways to avoid him but fails, striking him on the side. Caused by: Sean finding Daniel in the bathroom and Daniel having High Morality. After that, the boys will enter the house. Merrill will tell Sean that he should be pulling more for his weight. Sean initiates the brothers' team howl before training. If Sean stole in Episode 1, he'll have up to $10 more at the beginning of Episode 2 (depending on how much he spent in the first episode). If Daniel wasn't asked to tell the truth to Chris, then he blames Sean for the accident. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven. He will also give Daniel his cape. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to help gather firewood, and letting Daniel come back with three logs first. The Power Bear toy will be sitting on the bed stand in the motel room, and Daniel will occasionally play with it. Jacob can mention that Hannah and Penny went to Merrill's when they found out Finn and Cassidy were gone. Doris will curtly ask if the brothers are bothering her customers if spoken to. Sean writes in his sketchbook about how he hated to be called a "cop killer" by the guard and how he may be giving more reasons for the police to be against him. Daniel won't tell Sean that he still likes the watch. Daniel will comment the prayer thing was weird. Daniel will get knocked back and be mad, and when Sean throws the snowball at Mushroom, Daniel will stop it with his powers. To get this outcome, get all the heroes and villains correct, but do not ask for details about Chris's dad. Sean will have the option to talk about Mushroom's death or Hank Stamper to the others. Whatever your choice is, grandpa offers to keep this conversation between you and him. After Daniel says he feels like in prison, Sean can dismiss his complains, ordering him to be silent instead. If Sean didn't call her, her mom will answer the phone and explain that she is in a clinic in Bellevue for at least the next month due to severe depression. The grandparents advise Sean to watch out for Daniel, before the brothers run away. The car swerves sideways to avoid him but fails, striking him on the side. Sean shoots Merrill in the shoulder, who shoots Finn in the chest in turn. If Sean looks at it, he hopes in his thoughts that Chris is okay. Merrill will still tell Sean that his trimming was nice. Blacks could not vote or serve on juries. Caused by: Waking Big Joe up without properly wrecking his vehicle(s). -, You pretended you didn't know anything. (Such as saving Grandpa, picking 'Concede' after initial Chris contact, ect.) The author values storytelling because a story-teller has the power to. He jumps out of the car after being forced to destroy the station and gets to live with Claire and Stephen, at the same time being monitored. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire he will have the option to tell the group about how they killed the cougar, Finn appears to slightly disapprove of the action but this doesn't affect your relationship with him in the long run. If Sean called Lyla in Episode 1, there will be many updates about Sean and Daniel posted on her wall. Or Two lonely souls find each other (again). Daniel tries to help Sean free but Hank knocks Daniel to the ground. The brothers retain their. Daniel grabs the officers by their necks, breaks their bones, then throws their bodies toward the end of the room. He's raised in Beaver Creek by his grandparents and remains in some basic contact with Sean. Life is Strange 2 Game Guide by He will see conspiracy theories surrounding the brothers. If Sean is able to talk with Lyla or tells her mom the truth, Lyla's Facebook page will show she is passionate about civil rights. Daniel evidently says he wants to go, while Sean admires Daniel for being so strong. Daniel will say that Finn gave him a wristband to wear. If Daniel used his powers to stop the police car, Chris will look disappointed and Daniel will feel bad for lying to him. Daniel will enjoy his Christmas present(s). Sean will not be able to talk to Charles about his drinking problem. Daniel will comment the prayer thing was weird. In Sean's dream, Daniel will regret he was too angry to obey Sean about stopping the robbery. If Karen witnessed one of the brothers killing Lisbeth, she sadly remarks how sometimes you have to make hard decisions for your safety. If Daniel shares a bad memory at the campfire, he mentions Chris' accident. Daniel will wear a lime green, long-sleeved shirt, found between Episode 1 and 2. Daniel will throw the police car out of Chris' path. Then LiS1 and it'll make just as much sense if not more. If Sean is not able to talk with Lyla and lies to her mom, Lyla's Facebook page will be supportive about mental health. Sean ignores Arthur and Stanley before leaving. If Sean looks at it, he hopes in his thoughts that Chris is okay. Sean listened to Cassidy's full song at the Christmas Market in Episode 2. Like, if the position offers 2 weeks vacation, it should give 2 weeks vacation. Daniel will not enjoy his Christmas present(s). If Sean goes to bed with Daniel after the latter shared a bad memory, Sean can optionally suggest Daniel could call Chris some time. A "Light Switch" is on the right of the entrance - click LMB to "Switch On". There's no injury for Chris to mention in his letter to Sean and Daniel. Daniel asks Sean about the loud moaning sounds coming from the room. Jacob will mention that Daniel was in shock. Sean sided with Cassidy while trimming weed. Daniel uses his abilities to attack Lisbeth with the intention of ending her life. If Sean didn't call Lyla, there will be many comments posted on her wall wishing Lyla well. After Jacob explains how he lost his faith, Daniel will say he doesn't believe in that kind of thing. Slightly contributes to getting closer to Finn. Note that this event doesn't concern the scenario in which Sean and Cassidy go after Finn and Daniel, since Merrill is always alert to the intrusion. Sean confides in Stephen about Daniel's power. - 45%, Daniel wasn't asked to help with the chores. Daniel is told to run, and he will flee without getting involved. Finn and the rest of the group will express sympathy for the brothers' loss. Even if Sean doesn't alert Big Joe, but alerts Merrill, Big Joe will join the final confrontation, unless Sean tampers with his vehicles. Caused by: Completely denying the heist or agreeing at the last second after alerting Big Joe. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel to fortify the camp site while he gathers wood. When these events are triggered, a wolf icon will be shown indicating that the player has made a meaningful choice, but they will seem to have no meaningful consequences or be tracked on the statistics screen at the end of the episode. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that Mushroom is in Heaven with Esteban, then Sean agreeing to pray with Claire. Daniel will be dry either way when he is next seen. Sean will lament to Brody later that he didn't get the chance to hug his dad the last time he saw him. Brothers share a lighthearted moment as Sean allows them to prank Nick and throw a pile of snow onto him using Daniel's power. If Lyla wasn't called in Episode 1, her Facebook page will be supportive about mental health. Sean's optional dialogues at the hospital indicate he's only partially responsible for how things turned out. Sean has to answer at least 2 requests of speaking Spanish in order to appease Chad, without asking him to stop doing this or insulting him. If Chris is hit by the car, Daniel will blame Sean. While getting a tattoo, Sean said he didn't need one to remember Cassidy. After the Californian family leaves, Sean can dig through the trash to find a leftover apple. It blocked the educational, economic, social growth and opportunities for black southerners. If Sean and Daniel are on relatively good terms, Daniel will talk with Sean and mention how he wishes they could send Chris something. Caused by: Sean asking Daniel not to move during the confrontation and Daniel having Low Brotherhood. Luke and Madison will be knocked out by Daniel and stay quiet for the rest of Sean and Daniel's escape. Daniel is confused and asks what's the point of having the power, to which Sean can't find an answer. The two brothers spend a night camping in the woods, in a spot from the early game, before parting ways at the end, driving off in separate cars. Big Joe, Cassidy, and Daniel will all chide Sean for intervening. With "Visiting?" Sean will see Finn laying asleep in the hospital room and wake him up. If Sean told Brody it was the police officer's fault, he will tell Daniel the accidentwas his fault. Sean goes easy on the boys and keeps talking to Chris about the power with some approval. Sean can beg for food from the Californian family and either succeed or fail. Daniel witnesses the scene, before running off with Sean who has taken the supplies. Daniel doesn't have to consider killing the officers. Telling Daniel there are only critters in the forest. Sean can draw a wolf or a penis on Daniel's backpack. Daniel will blame Sean for asking to protect the secret and causing him to be too repressed to save Chris. Many women in America have experienced it. Sean cannot talk about his past to the others, a separate scene where Daniel talks about his problems happens instead. The sun will go dark and the seas will turn to blood. The phone battery will die while Daniel is using it. Some choices aren't tracked in the choices screen, but there are still consequences for those actions. -, You told Daniel he did the right thing when he saved Chris. Agent Flores will not ask Sean about Cassidy. The sleeping bag Sean uses is identical to the one he can purchase from the Bear Station that Daniel slept in, it can be assumed in that situation Daniel got a new bag and Sean just began using the one he brought instead of asking for a second one. If Daniel was asked to tell the truth to Chris but disobeyed, then he blames himself for the accident. February 28, 2023 at 07:49. Note that if Daniel is sick from the berries, you will not see this outcome. After Sean is released from jail, we see Daniel and Karen waiting for him. Jacob writes a letter to Sean, explaining that he used the his savings to buy antibiotics, and that Sarah Lee is doing much better now. Sean can reveal his sexual preferences to the others, respectfully contributing to relationship with Finn or Cassidy. Indignant at life's capacity to . It is possible to succeed or fail to get food, depending on the dialogue options chosen. Daniel will blame himself for not telling Chris the truth as he disobeyed Sean's request to be honest. Daniel ends the game with Low Brotherhood, meaning that: During his conversation with Sean in the car, before the final decision, Daniel says he hates promises but will try to remember who he is. Stephen tells Sean not to say anything to Claire. Actions that contribute to Doris' warm/trusting attitude: Sean didn't steal anything throughout the episode so far (including at the gas station). Guarantees that Lyla will appear at Sean's release in the. Caused by: Agreeing to the heist from the start and successfully breaking the safe open. If Sean decided to play on the machine, but left the game, Daniel will lament how they can't even win a toy. Sean will remind Daniel not to use his powers in front of other people. Finn will appear on a photograph sent to Daniel in the Parting Ways ending, if Finn was romanced and Sean didn't tell Agent Flores that the heist was Finn's idea. In Episode 2, Sean has to tell Daniel Mushroom is in heaven with Esteban, then agree to pray with Claire and Daniel. - 18%, Daniel was told to tell the truth but he continued lying to Chris. Sean asks Daniel to lower the TV volume at the motel, to which Daniel complies. Caused by: Sean upsetting Daniel several times in the forest. Burnout. Claire will be slightly offended and storm off. The police radio will only mention Sean and Daniel. Daniel will not help you with the water tanks. Caused by: Sean cutting the conversation short or being hard on Karen during their conversation, not staying outside Sand Snake Motel, not leaving a note and not hugging Karen before leaving Away. As Daniel's power grows, it's up to Sean to decide the rules by which they live. As someone who has owned a dog all my life, I understand exactly the importance, especially for elderly people, of a dog. This makes it impossible to kiss Cassidy. If Sean called Lyla in Episode 1, she will answer the phone, upset at him for hanging up on her, revealing that the police confronted her about the call and that she had to lie to them. Sean will not reprimand Daniel, asking him to stop playing with the scorpion instead. Locks out the opportunity for Finn to appear during the Parting Ways ending. If he says he likes her too, he has the chance to kiss her in the lake and will then be invited inside her tent if he disagreed to the heist. Saturated as he is with endless details of Rizal's life, he has had the good taste to select those incidents or those phases of Rizal's life that exhibit his greatness of soul and that show the factors that were the most potent in shaping his character and . No matter which approach Sean chooses, Karen will tell Daniel how grateful she is that Sean listened to her. Caused by: Sean asking Daniel to use his power during the confrontation. Sean dismisses the plan, saying it could be too dangerous. Life is Strange Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Sean helps Daniel with the dishes and Daniel in return helps with the water tanks. Karen gives Daniel a sweet goodbye (since he went along with sparing Lisbeth's life). If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire, he will be able to tell the group about how they beat Hank up for kidnapping them. Daniel makes fun of Sean. This allows Sean to slip out of the hospital before the guard returns from his break. The three reveal the plan, angering Cassidy and causing her to storm off. Daniel's preferred order of the pieces is: Daniel will note it's not what he wanted, but he's not bothered either. Sean isn't religious after facing Lisbeth at Haven Point, You decided to force the road block and Daniel accepted, You decided to force the road block and Daniel refused, You decided to surrender to the police and Daniel accepted, You decided to surrender to the police and Daniel refused, Overall, you taught Daniel to do his best to follow the rules of society, Overall, you taught Daniel to put himself and his brother first, You did the treasure hunt and found the hidden souvenir, You did the treasure hunt but didn't finish the quest, You overall kept your distances with Karen, You didn't say farewell to Arthur and Stanley, You intervened to calm Diego in the cells, You asked Daniel to open the vigilantes' cell, You didn't ask Daniel to free the vigilantes, You asked Daniel to take revenge on the vigilantes, You asked Daniel to kill the officers to escape the police station, You didn't ask Daniel to kill the officers to escape the police station, Daniel was told off about the scorpion and stopped messing with it, Daniel was told off about the scorpion but kept on messing with it, Daniel wasn't told off about the scorpion, Daniel managed to set up Joan's sculpture like he wanted, Daniel managed to set up Joan's sculpture with your help, Daniel managed to set up Joan's sculpture without your help, Daniel was concerned about hurting Officer Campbell, Daniel wasn't concerned about Officer Campbell, Daniel accepted to open the vigilantes' cell, Daniel wasn't asked to free the vigilantes, Daniel accepted to take revenge on the vigilantes, Daniel refused to take revenge on the vigilantes, Daniel didn't have to lash out at the vigilantes, Daniel killed the officers when leaving the police station, Daniel locked up the officers in a closet, Daniel was forced to intervene because the officers got too close, Daniel was reluctant but forced to kill the officers, Overall, you and Daniel became close during the journey, Overall, you and Daniel became distant during the journey. Karen feels more desperate and determined about the brothers and their goal. Daniel will note to Sean how he helped him twice, if Sean makes him beg outside afterwards. He refuses, if Sean chooses to surrender. THIRD EDITION. Sean quickly dismisses Daniel's whims, stating there's no way for them to have a dog at the moment. Agent Flores will readily accept Sean's statement and move on to the next question. -, Daniel enjoyed his early Christmas presents. Karen can contribute her help, even if Sean does everything perfectly and doesn't raise any suspicion at all. If Sean is not intoxicated at the campfire he will have the option to tell the group about how the cougar killed Mushroom but they were able to scare it off. Life Is Strange is a five part episodic game that sets out to revolutionise story based choice and consequence games by allowing the player to rewind time and affect the past, present and future. With "Nice Weather" you have to avoid looking suspicious by mentioning the flat tire or camping (only after looking at the "Tacoma Rock" sign). They will stay quiet for the rest of Sean and Daniel's escape. Sean tries to persuade Daniel not to harm Lisbeth but fails; she is shot and killed by Sean before Daniel is able to kill her. Beg, borrow, or steal? If you agree to the heist, aren't caught on the CCTVs, and successfully lift the bar behind the living room door, Merrill will take out a radio upon catching the group and tell Big Joe that he was right. Caused by: Daniel eating toxic berries in the forest. If Sean tells Daniel to have faith in himself, Daniel will remind Sean he said Heaven and God existed. Sean can choose to accept or refuse Mushroom when first encountering her in Bear Station. - 44%, You didn't use Stephen's laptop to log in to your profile. Grandfather asks us to bring him the glue from the cabinet. It is revealed that Stephen has underwent surgery. Finn will be impressed with Sean's skills, asking if the brothers escaped from a circus. If Chris is hit by the car, Daniel will blame himself. Sean asks Daniel to throw the locker at the officers and the latter listens. Without the impact of any danger to Chris, Daniel's only lament is Chris' sadness after finding out he doesn't have the power. Daniel and Sean are forced to flee while the cop gets out of the car to deal with Chris. Sean doesn't say anything about looking for Daniel in the forest, since he didn't play with him. Sean is more optimistic about the church and genuinely approving of faithful people there before seeing Daniel. Daniel will be too upset to enjoy his Christmas present(s). Sean tells Daniel there's no need to study since the brothers are their own teachers now, to which Daniel happily agrees. If Sean logs in to his social media account, he will see Lyla defending him on his page and posting about the legal system being unjust on her own page. Sean will say that he's a charity case if he chooses to take a pin. Select Library. Sean takes out the gun and shoots Merrill. Daniel ends the game with High Morality, meaning that: He prefers to surrender at the border and go back to society. If Sean replies he does not have faith, Lisbeth will say "So Daniel was wrong?". Daniel does not swear while talking to Claire. Sean will be extremely worried about her. If Sean didn't call Lyla back in Episode 1, he will not know that she is in a clinic. Karen will come a few seconds later. If Sean takes a harsher tone at Daniel disliking ravioli, Sean will ask Daniel if he wants to eat berries again. Charles and Sean will have a relatively honest conversation but won't go into details regarding Charles' drinking problem. Daniel uses the chosen nickname when he invites Sean to his treasure hunt, or simply calls him. When Sean walks over to check Campbell's pulse, Daniel fiercely tells Sean to hurry up and stop checking on the officer. Finn and the rest of the group will express sympathy for the brothers' loss. Depending on Sean's response to Daniel stealing the toy in Episode 1, Brody's toy can be found in either Sean or Daniel's backpack. Daniel will say that he still likes the watch from Sean but it is getting too small for him now. Cassidy will ask Sean if he has a crush on her. Sean draws Cassidy as she plays on her guitar. - 42%, You didn't listen to Cassidy's song until the end. If Sean lies about agreeing to the heist, Finn and Daniel will approach Sean after he and Cassidy get out of the lake. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven, then Sean apologizing to Claire. Caused by: Sean telling Daniel at Mushroom's grave that there is no such thing as Heaven, then Sean apologizing to Claire. Say nothing when Daniel makes the dishes float at breakfast behind Claire's back. -, You stole a Christmas present for Daniel. help listeners to realize that they troubles are not unique. Sean is more optimistic when he looks at the claw marks by the lake, thinking their pack is stronger. Sean can either say it's fine to urinate in the woods or insist that Daniel uses the bathroom there because it is safer. Daniel and Claire will hold hands and pray. Esteban will hug Sean and tell him to be careful. Caused by: Asking Daniel to stop swearing when he is packing his bag in the cabin. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. As Daniel gradually falls ill, Sean's concern for his younger brother increases and decides the pair of them must make their way to their distant grandparents' house to recover and seek shelter. Raise any suspicion and reject Karen's help; Raise too much suspicion, regardless of whether Karen's help is accepted. Borr Daniel pouts at the fire pit, forcing you to skip some optional dialog and a, Cheering Daniel up at the fishing spot by the campsite, Explaining the spider web to Daniel at the campsite, Playing as Daniel's ally in the stick fight at the campsite. Daniel is more upset that they couldn't even bury Mushroom. Daniel argues with Sean before violently throwing the scorpion to the side. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit. Daniel and Sean are forced to flee while the cop gets out of the car to deal with Chris. Chris is hit by a Police car if Daniel didn't tell him the truth earlier. Walks over to check Campbell 's pulse, Daniel will not see this,. If Sean does everything perfectly and does n't have to consider killing the officers could be too dangerous story-teller the... Throw a pile of snow onto him using Daniel 's escape says he feels like in prison, can. 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