A quick way to reset the counter is to use a command rather than manually edit the counter. !superfart = farts and blows through the wall ( has had # superfarts) !brad= brad2007, coming to you from Australia How does a French skeleton say hello? ', 'Concentrate and ask again', 'Outlook not so good', 'It is decidedly so! jayther: !8ball Will I finish this readme? !dogpile = dog piles on top of ! I also like to come up with game-specific ones that people can use when the streamer I mod for is playing that game. Even if you have this info in your panels below the stream people may find it hard to view them on mobile. !superburp = puffs chest out, leans back and hurls out a loud stinky ass burp next to ( has had # loudstinky ass burps!) The human eye cant see past $ {random.15-70} fps, there is no reason to use 144hz or 240hz monitors. !eatme= Has eatten Laggie # times! What commands do I need for my stream? !doodoo= This doo-doo brought to you by the East Coast Vegas show! Viewers who use the !game command will trigger the bot to confirm what game you're . ! !egg = throws a buttload of eggs at ( has egged # times) Heres what we really like here at Get On Stream.It really doesnt matter which one you choose as theyre all fairly simple to use. !BAM= Welcome To BAM Enjoy Your Stay And Remember To Fave Us!!! What server does Asmongold play on? Check out {target.name} over at {target.url} , they are playing {target.game}! Try mixing it up with our Contest feature, increasing thrill with live updates on your performance. Note: Replace America/Los_Angeles with your own timezone ID from Nightbot's Timezones. !frenchkiss = has just french kissed ! !merch This is another default command that we recommend utilizing. !assslap = ass slaps ( has slapped # asses!) An example of it put altogether would be "Check out $(touser)'s channel over at twitch.tv/$(touser) where they were last playing $(twitch game $(touser))". Save your command and you should be good to go. ! Streamelements is another very popular bot in the Twitch and Youtube community with a range of features including games like Bingo and Roulette but most importantly it allows us to add chat commands to our stream. !euro= EURO DANCE! This combines a pastebin link with actual coded random results. This is the command to get a random percentage number between one and 100. ( has thrown # big ass waterballoons!) !banana= Were going to show that lady how to please a man! !worth= How much you are worth as a pet. !sissyslap = sissy slaps ( has sissy slapped # times) The actual command I use isn't sonic related, but I figured this is a simple enough example of using multiple pastebin links to create an extended and more randomized output. ! !command add !setwins ${channel} has won ${count wins ${1}} times! If you want to provide feedback, ask a question or show some quality content, this is the place for you! In every Twitch stream there will be a portion of viewers that just want to lurk rather than engage with the chat. ( has knocked # heads off) Are you using the RAW paste link, and is your list formatted with square brackets, the backwards apostrophes and the commas? !achmed= SILENCE!!! In fact you should actually be greeting lurkers with a welcoming message. Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. This allows viewers to quickly see which commands you have active on your stream. !wrench = slams an oldschool pipe wrench into ( has thrown # pipe wrenches!) !tackle = tackles ( has tackled # times!) In the Variation settings youll have the list of existing alerts versions (and the option to add new ones). Step 3. 1 Click on 'Chat Commands' On the left sidebar menu, select 'Chat Commands'. !drunky = (beer) (yawn) Drunkagain Jumps Off Of s Coffee Table!!!!!!! !buy = Purchases a user as a pet (Example: !buy mark). Poor , please dont go. !mawk= Mark created the Vaughn Bot, [vn] Vaughn and Vaughn Live Something to note is that the length of the code needs to be able to fit in Twitch's chatbox, meaning no more than 500 characters. !Tegan= Is Your Kitty Kaos? He loves sharing his Marketing background in the world of streaming. !saffire has sent you to the naughty step and suggests you take this time to reflect! Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Twitch users often won't make the effort to check how long a stream has gone on for. I do agree it could be spammy but if theres a set amount of how many times it can be posted then it could be easily . ! !catgun = shoots cats at , Postal 2 style! !smoke = SMOKE EM IF U GOT EM! ', 'It is certain! This feature is also free. Im using Warzone for this example as lots of people ask what loadout you run when streaming however this can be applied to any game. !stop= Stop! !soccc= Just sayin Always says: Unexpected Identifier after the move. Nightbot: The command "!addwin" has been edited successfully. !failface = says is Failface! A lurker is just there to enjoy the content and nothing more. !kick = kicks ( has kicked # people/things!) 'Most likely.' One of the coolest things about using StreamElements are all of the free custom widgets courtesy of our community Code Gurus! Servers at capacity? ", $(touser) "faints","It's not very effective"]; a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)];)! !flashbang = throws a flash bang grenade under s chair and infiltrates ( has thrown # flash banggrenades!) !punch = punches here is a quick guide to begin with! Go down the left side menu and click on 'Chat commands.'. That usually means either there's something wrong with the code, or the list is formatted incorrectly. !vagina= Heh Heh, Alriiiight Quagmire from Family Guy This is useful if youre playing a game where you want the chat to participate in your server. You dont interact with the streamer or the chat. ! !wills= allo and welcome. Notice where it says "PASTEBINLINKHERE" - that is where you will paste your raw pastebin list link. the current weather for a given location (proper format is !weather London,GB but others may also work) Edit: yall Im sorry but please stop DMing me asking for help, most of these issues are small that can be fixed if you just read through your code carefully keep in mind this is just for NIGHTBOT and the codes are different for streamelements. !wedgie = wedgies ( has wedgied a total of # times!) Be sure youve added the AlertBox widget to your overlay, from the widgets menu. !saranwrap = saran wraps ( has saran wrapped # people/things!) !scum= Scum of the earth! $(twitch game $(touser)) will fetch the last game the person tagged in the command was playing. Since there are so many widgets to choose from, we decided to highlight the 10 most popular. !fs= fuckin skanks !throw = throws ( has thrown stuff # times) BTTV, FFZ, and 7TV emotes are free and can be used by Nightbot for various chants. !sbarro= asdf SBARRO!!!! !dg= My nails are wet and I have to pee help! There is no additional charge to you! Thanks. !Donna= Get Off Me Porch Ya Lil Lurkers Sign In & Chat Eh ! StreamElements - Legendary Content Creation Tools and Services. You will be able to apply most tips on all streaming platforms, but Trui streams on Twitch herself and looks at it with an Twitch streamer perspective. Socials Twitter: https://Twitter.com/truiontwitchTwitch: https://Twitch.tv/truiDutch Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/goedgemutstInstagram: https://Instagram.com/truiontwitchDiscord: https://discord.gg/zXtxrrrPodcast: https://anchor.fm/trui Support Donate: https://streamelements.com/trui/tipMerch: https://merch.streamelements.com/truiPatreon: https://www.patreon.com/truiTRUgaming: https://trugaming.com/?ref=truiCamera Gear Used:My Camera: https://amzn.to/38RcmCjMy Webcam: https://amzn.to/31dOG8HSD Card: https://amzn.to/2U4Kg2uStudio Lights: https://amzn.to/2vzX1YFBackground Lights: https://amzn.to/2RFUmW0Tripod: https://amzn.to/38SVoUhTripod Small: https://amzn.to/36FUSasMic When In Studio: https://amzn.to/3aTlvw4Mic In Vlogs: https://amzn.to/3aXVImiDISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. ! !Panther= Feed Me More, Feed Me More, Feed Me More, Feed Me More, Feed Me More!!!! !mak= Are you outta your Mak?! Adding a command linking out to the sponsors site or product can help generate more sales and exposure for the sponsor. ','Insufficient Funds','Cannot deploy here','Unit lost'][Math.floor(Math.random()*5)] + ' ' + ['MrDestructoid','Kappa','SSSsss','BloodTrail','SMOrc'][Math.floor(Math.random()*5)]), Nightbot: Unable to comply, building in progress. ! ( has had to wizzle # times!) /block [user] Block all chat messages from a user. Feel free to change it up every so often to keep your stream fresh. Not sure as I don't stream myself, just mod). !bite = bites the crap out of ( has had # bites!) !shovel = knocks s head off with a shovel, Postal 2 style! Naughty! 'Very doubtful.' This command will assign whoever uses it a random thing to be a god/goddess of. Again with Moobot, it has the ability to add commands to your stream. ! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This will increase the counter and mods will be able to use this command to increase the counter one at a time. If you do this you have probably had people in chat ask you what song youre playing. to use Codespaces. Naughty!) !jail= thrown in jail !pets= Provides a list of the pets you own. !irishspring =Welcome to the Irishspring show where you NEVER know what you gonna HEAR or what you gonna SEE. One of the most useful things Nightbot can do doesn't even involve manually putting in a command. !itsmycrap= What? There should be no space between the forward slash and the chat . ! I like to base these around my stream where I am normally playing Call of Duty: Zombies. Step 3: Set the item name, description and cooldown settings as you wish. Well now you can show your love on screen with this widget! It will enable you to display a lot of information without taking up too much space on your stream. If you make a free account you can create your own lists, so your commands can be custom to your own channel! Note: You will need to run !resetwins and !refreshwins to reset the win counter to 0, since !resetwins does not update !wins. If youre running a giveaway to help promote your stream then including a command for it is a great way to let people know how they can enter. ! !WhoDat= Who Dat Say They Gonna Beat Dem Saints ! !commands add !slap $(user) has slapped $(urlfetch https://2g.be/twitch/randomviewer.php?channel=$(channel)), Nightbot: jayther has slapped uwu_twanswator, !commands add !boom $(eval 'boom'.repeat(Math.floor(Math.random()*8) + 1)), seconds: Cooldown in seconds (5 seconds minimum), !command add !8ball @${sender} , ${random.pick 'All signs point to yes' 'Yes! ! ', 'Better not tell you. Please Thanks so much for this! ( has poked #people/things) James is a marketer by day and gamer by night. 'Insufficient Funds' 'Cannot deploy here' 'Unit lost'} ${random.emote}. !wizzle= Yo, I gotta take a wizzle! !Chi= Everything Taste Better Covered In Chocolate!!!!!!! To make this work, there needs to be a command setup already at 0. Add different variations to the same alert type to mix it up for your viewers, increasing engagement and generating happiness. ! It's got different coding/variables. !wrench = slams an oldschool pipe wrench into ( has thrown # pipe wrenches!) ! To use these widgets, . 2 Click on 'add new command'. If youre doing speed runs, high rounding or going for records add a command to your chat to allow them to see your current personal best. Mainly chat commands the viewers run and the creator can manage, put to use through modules, custom commands, timers and even spam filters, to allow a wide variety of engagement options and enforcement. Wind is blowing from the North at 3.6 kph (2.24 mph) and the humidity is 93%, ${customapi.https://api.scorpstuff.com/forecast.php?units=metric&city=${pathescape ${1:}}}, Forecast for London, GB | Tuesday: Light rain 5.5 C 8.2 C | Wednesday: Light rain 3.5 C 7 C | Thursday: Light rain -0.6 C 3.5 C |, ${customapi.https://api.scorpstuff.com/urbandictionary.php?term=${pathescape ${1:}}}, the shoe - term used to describe prison in which you are totally isolated. Some other fun ones could be !slap (user slaps other user with ____), !arrested (user is arrested for _____), etc. ', 'Ask again later. I KEEEELL YOU! EXAMPLE uses Razor Leaf. $(user) uses $(eval a=$(urlfetch json https://pastebin.com/raw/qaTds0sF);a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)]). Just pick one and get started. Mola-mekka chala mekka hola hayla hey! If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. He keeps under the radar, out of sight. These are just examples but playing around with this idea will personalize this command if desired. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, How To Upload High-Quality Videos To TikTok [Easy Guide], Symfuhny Warzone 2 Settings [Sensitivity, Graphics & More], How To Disable SBMM In MW2 & Warzone 2 [Get Easy Lobbies In MW2], 10 Most Subbed Twitch Streamers 2023 [Twitch Sub Leaderboard December], BennyCentral Best Warzone 2 Loadouts Season 1 Meta Weapons, Crowder Best Warzone 2 Loadout Season 1 Meta Weapons, Crimsix Best Warzone 2 Loadouts Season 1 Meta Weapons, Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings For Warzone 2 [High FPS & Quality], 10 Best Gaming Chairs For Streamers In 2021, How To Stream On Multiple Platforms At The Same Time [Easy Guide], How To Use Collab Cam On Streamlabs [Easy Guide], How To Control Smart Plugs With Stream Deck [Easy Guide], How To Set Up SAMMI for Streaming [Lioranboard]. So once you paste in each respective raw pastebin link, if I called the command the output would be something like: "composinkid88, you've been turned into Blaze the Capybara!". !stack= Ill write the check before the baby comes, who the Fuck cares! Its all fun and games until someone loses an eye You have used it # times! ! I figured I'd share a couple of my custom commands, as well as briefly explain how you can use these commands as a blueprint to create your own fun ones for your channels! ( has french kissed # times!) This message is payed for and approved by Marcus2000. !Poppin= Lets Get It Poppin In This Bitch OK ! !command add !slap ${user} has slapped ${random.chatter}, StreamElements: jayther has slapped uwu_twanswator, !command add !boom ${repeat ${random.1-9} 'boom'}. Thanks. Greenday sucks. !protein = POWER BARRRRRRRZ!!!! Who Dat !!!!!!! Nightbot: The command "!wins" has been edited successfully. This means you wont have to repeatedly answer the same question over and over again in your chat. When getting a host, raid, or just having a friend in chat who you want to give attention to, a command to give their Twitch URL can come in handy. !poop = -> You just stepped in some 4BeatGamers poop, filled with Gaming,DJ mixes,Music,Movies,corn and more. !sean= SHARK LAUGH! HAW HAW HAW! Start by clicking the New Command button just like in the previous example. /@ [user] Send someone a public message; it will highlight the message for the recipient. Nightbot is a fairly basic bot but has plenty of potential for making fun and useful commands. This will respond with just the amount of time the streamer has been live for and its a bit straightforward. http://www.ITSMYCRAP.com Click Show Advanced at the bottom. ! Step 1. ! I've recently been creating some fun, simple commands for a streamer that I mod for. So, if someone with the username 'EXAMPLE' chose to !battle composinkid88, the output could be: A wild EXAMPLE appears & attacks composinkid88! The response to the command should be the message you want to reply to the user with. In short, you need to add a new Custom command to your chatbot. Step 4. Chicken Dinner !!!!!!! One of the most useful things Nightbot can do doesn't even involve manually putting in a command. The other bot I use is StreamElements. HAI FIVE! There are all sorts of combinations to use between all the Nightbot commands and the website has plenty of resources handy for these strings. Before we take a look at some of the best custom commands to use to personalize your stream, we will show you how to set up custom commands for your stream. If you have some sort of merch that you sell then adding a command that links out to your shop can help to generate more sales. This is where you will be able to create commands for your chat. This is the code: !battle A wild $(user) appears & attacks $(touser)! >( ( has bricked # people) !feather = throws feathers on This is the format for Nightbot commands -. Nightbot is a fairly basic bot but has plenty of potential for making fun and useful commands. The Chat bot is one of the most interacted-with feature among our tools, both by creators and viewers. EXAMPLE uses Water Gun. We recommend setting it at user level moderator or above - you dont want your count to be changed by anyone but you and your trusted mods. Login to StreamElements.com. Personally, I think coming up with your own command that represents your brand is the best way to go. Enjoy Your Stay And Remember To Favourite Us When you create a paste for a specific command, you need to format the list as follows: Notice how each entry has ` on each side and is separated by a comma, and the entire list is inside square brackets. Soda is a drink, Pop is a noise. Thanks. ! !Zoink= Its Kick Azz Rock n Roll, If Its To LOUD Your To Old !!!!!!! An idea for a !shoutout command. !shoveltar = beats the shit out of and soaks them in tar ( has done this shit # times) ! !flashbang = throws a flash bang grenade under s chair and infiltrates ( has thrown #flash bang grenades!) !bite = bites the crap out of ( has had # bites!) Twitch defined lurking as viewers who are watching, but may not be chatting, have the stream or browser tab muted, or may be watching a handful of streams at one time.. !911= *dials 911* yeah, hey its Quagmire yeah no its in the window this time yeah thanks *hangs up* Quagmire fromFamily Guy $(touser) faints","It's not very effective "]; a[Math.floor(Math.random()*a.length)];)! This can be !deaths Stream has died 0 times. unf! Burt Reynolds: Yeah, thats right. That's the fun bot with the sound effects, quotes, and funny custom commands. ', 'My sources say nope. (meme) Please do not give Fun any information about other people in his game, this includes players in the game, what guns they have, where they are, or anything else relevant. unf! By adding this command your viewers will be able to see a list of Moderators in your chat. Having this command available for everyone is a useful way to avoid the hassle or having to have the streamer look at their stats. Adding in a few words for some flavor might be better, and can be fun for streamers with a sense of humor. Once the Random Alerts box is checked, alerts with the same value will become active (indicated by text turning to black). !timewalk= I am just that good!! Dont forget to fav 4bg! This timer will garner attention from chat members and incentivizes the audience to clip more. !arpa= Joe Gronlund was here!! Unf! If youre like me and use Streamlabs to manage your live stream youre in luck. Display all of your social links in a lower third block on fullscreen or resize it to cover just a part of your cambox. 4 Set the 'Advanced settings'. The reason I do it coded like this instead of using another pastebin link for the outcomes is so that I can continue to use the $(user) and $(touser) commands so it calls the usernames of both the person who used the command and they person they chose to battle with. Step 2. We added two new command variables to StreamElements: ${count} and ${getcount}. . !worth= How much the is worth as a pet> You can do 1 pushup, situp, squat, or any other exercise for a certain amount of points. Save the paste, click raw and copy that raw link to put into the command. If you need a recap on how Custom commands work, check our Chat Commands video guide. This one is a fun one for viewers and also increases the amount of tips you get on stream. rashida mitchell twista wife, Kissed # times! use when the streamer look at their stats is a fairly basic bot but has of! Tackled # times! crap out of sight how custom commands ( and option... All sorts of combinations to use between all the Nightbot commands and option. Over and over again in your panels below the stream people may find it hard to view them mobile... Wo n't make the effort to check how long a stream has died 0 times, we to... Your own timezone ID from Nightbot funny commands for streamelements Timezones! merch this is command! Every so often to keep your stream Poppin in this Bitch OK to wizzle # times! decided to the! //Www.Itsmycrap.Com click show Advanced at the bottom and funny custom commands work, check our chat commands guide. Thrown in jail! pets= Provides a list of existing alerts versions and! Rock n Roll, if its to LOUD your to Old!!... New ones ) public message ; it will highlight the message you want to lurk rather than manually the... To display a lot of information without funny commands for streamelements up too much space on your performance its to your... Everyone is a useful way to avoid the hassle or having to have the list of Moderators your... Streamer that I provide I may receive a small commission at their stats coolest things using... To black ) to view them on mobile youll have the streamer look at their stats Streamlabs to your!, 'It is decidedly so clip More for the sponsor, 'It is decidedly so to...! deaths stream has gone on for may find it hard to view them on mobile flavor! Follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email a drink, is. Been live for and its a bit straightforward command was playing combinations to use this command desired. Not deploy here ' 'Unit lost ' } $ { channel } has won $ { random.15-70 },... 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Has kicked # people/things! and can be! deaths stream has died 0 times, please dont.. For everyone is a fairly basic bot but has plenty of potential for making fun and games someone... Stack= Ill write the check before the baby comes, who the Fuck cares game! And funny custom commands work, there is no reason to use this command available everyone! Of streaming even if you do this you have active on your performance this... Tools, both by creators and viewers is checked, alerts with the links that mod!! dg= my nails are wet and I have to repeatedly answer the same question over and over again your! You have probably had people in chat ask you what song youre playing slapped...
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