Obviously, there are spoilers here for Betrayal Legacy, but each entry should only talk about the surprises up to that date. This new Rule will have given you benefits in Game 4, and should have given you something to think about when placing your stickers on the Helm when you choose to reroll a die roll. To preserve anyone's experience, this review will be spoiler-free. Cookie Notice That stickered-over tile, The Chasm, is an entrance to the Otherworlds, which appear as 28 new cards that we add to our box. We get to look at them one at a time. With that said, our cooperative experience was a bit subpar: our haunt happened very early, which means that we didnt have much time to collect weapons beforehand. So, well see repercussions of this game, mainly in new ways that the house is haunted, for the rest of our campaign. His family crest is clearly marked on the Deed to the House if we forget. It will contain **Spoilers up to and including Game 2**. These are the ten things that really stuck with me when we finished. If other people who have finished can point out something we may have missed, or possibly a WoG or errata related to these, it would be much appreciated. You can access all my other Betrayal posts HERE. Also, none of them say to read entry 206 although if you look at it it's obvious that's supposed to be the final thing to read, considering you tear up the bleak journal when you are done with it. We all win or lose as a group. So we go to the final haunt and suddenly see the words GATE apearing on card at an alarming frequently. 3y Castles Of Burgundy I like the idea of revisiting the baby shark chant. This ensures players will have the tiles needed to finish each mission, and helps tell each mission's story and add to the worldbuilding. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This is one in a series of posts regarding the board game Betrayal Legacy. She apologized to John, fired the Crossbow, killed the monster, and stood as the Crossbow became engulfed in flames; an unholy weapon of the damned. Inhabitants An Item can only be an Heirloom for one player. There are 13 games remaining. Many legacy games are designed for one playthrough of the campaign, and that holds true for Betrayal Legacy. We do. What were your favorite reveals from this game? Co-op: The cooperative play of this Chapter is back to the multi-stage strategy that weve been missing. This post contains Hints & Tips for someone who has played up to Game 2 and is preparing to play Game 3. Be sure to record everything that happens, such as if you are that mission's traitor or if your character died and where they died. (Mind you, Im not convinced that the particular cards added were that evocative of what happened, but wed see better use of this element a few Chapters down the road. Betrayal Legacy is a gaming experience I will never forget. Certainly, theres a plotted story that theyre interacting with, but they can still look at the game and the board and see the changes they chose to make. We had decided that this would be our last play ofBetrayal Legacyunless the Otherworlds was sufficiently innovative to revamp a gameplay that had gotten stale and never lived up to its Legacy potential. Back to the house. That said, once you complete the campaign, your copy of Betrayal Legacy can be played infinitely in "Free Play" mode. So ourBetrayal Legacyplay ends here, alas. Skip Navigation Accessibility Feedback Toggle Sidebar Show Menu. Alternatively I think something along the lines of having a couple people chanting I am the key master while others chant I am the gatekeeper. This time one of the characters is possessed by an evil axe-murdering spirit. Then at the end of game 8 when everyone has been sucked into Hell you destroy the deed. You can only Heirloom a maximum of 9 Items during the Campaign. My friend John had the Crossbow as a family heirloom. Part of that was learning the story elements that will return in future games, including the rooms that make up the house (and its grounds), as well as items. She had to stop them and only needed to kill one thing to do it. But wed thought that the Legacy elements of the game would help it to rise above those elements, with a long-term campaign offering the opportunity to both offset randomness and to create the longer stories that we sometimes felt denied in the originalBetrayal. Im going to try and minimize this for anyone just casually clicking this article by not naming the entries or including photos from the game in progress. This allows our first bit of strategic cooperation, as we run to different locations in the house to reveal these clues. In fact when were down to our last piece of furniture, its increasingly obvious were going to win, which is never a great thing a round out in a co-op game. This can be for attack, defense, an Event card or a Haunt roll. Looks like there might be a few puns in future chants. The most important is the Chalice of Insanity, the Omen that closes out the first game. Theres nothing left of the original story when youre finished. Fluffypanda made an excellent altar for Betrayal Legacy's "Helm" piece, but sadly it was too big to fit within the build surface of my Ender 3. It has to have been mentioned during the final scenario as several of the cards reference the Mundane Elevator specifically so it can't have transformed before that. If you want to play through the story again, you'll need to buy an entirely new copy. We all knew it would be bad, but we all had different reactions to it. I didnt actually realize this until I saw an interview on Geek & Sundry with designer Rob Daviau. The arrival of the Helm. The Bloodied Room was a rarity that we really remembered every time it returned, but most of the ghosts and scares just faded away into a deck of ghosts and scares, thus denying us their Legacy. We even tried to figure out where to get more modern figures to replace them. Once weve got that in place, we also do some strategic work with some characters blocking the traitors movement to protect our guy most able to kill the doll. One mission immediately starts with a haunt, for example. Betrayal Legacy Ending Questions (Spoilers included) One more warning, this post will contain massive spoilers for anyone who hasn't completed the campaign. The other worlds open. we play the game and win (woohoo) and no rules come up for gates. We come under attack from a disease, which sends us search the Otherworlds, because thats the new mechanic. Youre in the house from the original game. Nobody owned the house anymore and the story reflected it. Privacy Policy. There are many new mechanics and twists I would love to talk about, but doing so would dampen the excitement for players who haven't discovered them yet. There is still some strategic play, with several players running around and smashing so that a final player can INVOKE to close the portal, but its still a big step down from Chapters Two and Three, which had multi-stage strategic cooperation that we thought would be the new normal for the game, but which has largely disappeared in the games since. There is a pair of linked actions: PREPARE, then SMASH, which you can use together to gather a bunch of mirror monsters together before destroying them but one player can do it all, eliminating the possibility of strategic cooperation between the players. Folio infernum door 6 has the mystic elevator behind it. Our first clue is a really big number on Octavia (we think its a 9, but it turns out to be a 6). Moving forward, assuming that there will be shared bonuses in the future, getting 3 different crests on each branch is the best way to proceed. Were all normal humans. Jo. Certainly, the addition of any new rules system is to a Legacy games benefit and the addition of new places to explore even moreso. She had several weapons and was fine not killing anything with the crossbow. Legacy games are designed to be played multiple times as each game can alter the experience for the next one. As an Omen, well keep seeing it in future games, because there arent a lot of them, and so our reactions to it in the first game will color the rest. Betrayal Legacy Hints & Tips - Game 1 - You can only Heirloom an Item at the moment you draw the card from the Item deck. Are you interested in playing Betrayal Legacy with your group? We did encounter a few rules snags while playing, but if you just go with the story and as a group decide on what sounds the most fun and fair way to figure out the problem, you'll be fine. We stream live on twitch at twitch.tv/QuestsAndChaos every Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday evenings in PST (Pacific Time Zone) It was an amazing move. You're free to disagree, of course, but you would be wrong. Meanwhile, we also knew the house and thus were aware of things like there was an Omen space in the Outside and that the last Ground Floor tile was going to reveal a secret door. Anyway, how about you? InBetrayal Legacy it felt like this slow ramp-up negatively affected two crucial system: the Legacy elements and the cooperative play. It's even possible to keep your character from a previous game, assuming they made it out of the mission alive. So we go to the final haunt and suddenly see the words GATE apearing on card at an alarming frequently. So, players are strategically cooperating, but theres very little of the more interesting tactics which occasionally appeared on the peripheries of previous adventures. Event Cards #8. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. One of the joys of a Legacy game is seeing how it changes over time. So, its more of a Legacy element than most of the ones weve seen before. Figure 5-2: The Deed to the House is an example of the very weak Legacy elements in this game. In other words, wed wanted to see if the Otherworlds were interesting enough to get us to continue play, and if anything, they moved the game in the opposite direction. Co-op: We do something we havent before: we actually cooperate a bit before the Haunt, primarily using a special skill that allows us to somewhat select the house tiles coming up. The Omen cards are the most familiar, but thats our main continuity. Even inCharterstone, which has some problems with simple play enforcing player tactics, players can at least see the buildings they constructed. Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, but please keep them spoiler-free for everyone else. I designed this as an altar to hold the Helm, such that its magnificence can be properly beheld by all in attendance. We may not remember the loss of the Guest Room, but we will remember the killing of the Baby every time this Bloody Room shows up. through ALL the events and items. We just chanted "helmmmm" this time, but discussed Baby Shark and Highway to Helm. One of the easiest ways to do this is to place a set of Runes face down on the table, and have a player choose one to turn face up. The ghosts increasingly haunting the house possess the furniture this session, and we have to burn it in a fire before it kills us. So I removed some of the edges (and in the process made it round instead of hexagonal). (Michael.) A look at one of my favorite Legacy Games and the story moments that stood out. For more information, please see our This post contains Hints & Tips for someone who has played up to Game 2 and is preparing to play Game 3. Press J to jump to the feed. More Geek Sites RPGGeek VideoGameGeek Geek Events. It wasnt a mechanic that existed in any of the other Betrayal versions Id seen, gave us a new place to explore, and really changed how we had to view some of the Haunts. Each player adds one to a different spoke on the Helm at the start of Game 3, to get the ball rolling. All the resources here are offered free, but if you found a post useful, and you are in a position to help, I will gratefully accept any support. As you play through the game youll never find a way to trigger Haunt 0. In fact, the rules then had me load stuff back under the insert several times after that causing me to take it out of the box multiple times. Drop a comment below and Ill compile a commenters list at some point in the future. We killed an innocent cook! The fact that the example is something that can happen, is triggered outside of the haunt deck, and comes from almost nowhere is kind of genius. One of my favorite Legacy games is Betrayal Legacy. The design of this insert was so good that it made getting rid of it seem foolish since it organized everything so well, and perfectly held a second box of miniatures for when the game goes from old world aesthetic to a more modern focus. You remove every part of the story from the game once youve completed the campaign. These seemingly minor details can have major implications by the end of the campaign. Of course, if you didn't find Betrayal at House on the Hill to be fun, you might not love Betrayal Legacy. But it still feels a lot more one dimensional. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! . Thats because theres no way to provide help in the Otherworlds, and once the resources are recovered, theyre mostly in the form of curses that cant be traded away. Legacy:The big Legacy element of this Chapter was the introduction of the Otherworlds, and to be honest, they were overwhelming. The example is playable. Not only do we get a Sickle of War Legacy item to its appropriate family but the player then uses it to kill the evil baby! Balanced. I will hide the exact purpose of it under a Spoiler tag, for those that want to start the game unknowing. So place your sticker on a branch that doesnt already contain one of your colour. There we go. ), Figure 1-2: Our main legacy elements to date: named cards, specifically introduced cards, and the deed. I completed this campaign over a year ago and I still remember it with a fondness. In summary: fans of the originalBetrayalwill like theLegacyversion. Once youve completed the game youll have removed a number of cards from the decks as well as added many new ones. We never managed to get the third check on any of the other weapons. So, when Betrayal Legacy came out last November and our group started to play it, I decided to detail session by session how the game manages its Legacy play. This is the first game that entirely clicked for us, and thats in large part because the amount of time before the haunt has been increasing each game: there was only one omen in the first game, two in the second, and three in the third, pushing the Haunt back a little each time. There's an overarching narrative throughout the entire campaign, and many of the pieces added to the story are discovered based on how games end. Betrayal Legacy: Chapter 8 Major Spoilers Ahead! Second, players got to mark ghosts on tiles where they died. Mind you,Betrayal Legacysuffers somewhat from the lack of task stabilization discussed on page 88 ofMeeples Together: every time someone attacks a foe, the foe gets an opportunity to attack them back. When does the mundane elevator become the mystic elevator. Come discuss games like Codenames, Wingspan, Terra Mystica, and all your other favorite games! When we started playing Betrayal Legacy last year, I decided to chronicle the entire adventure, to detail how the game has changed over time, and how its co-op and Legacy elements worked. Still, were always going to remember the murderer who took over the house. Several of the weapons had a condition, when you kill someone with this weapon check a box. We define a traitor in a co-op game as someone whos purposefully lying in wait, trying to wreck the cooperation. Can anyone explain to me how this is anything other than LAME? You could have one person say baby shark and then everyone else could answer with do do doodoo all in monotone like you did before. At the end of one game, the Helm arrives. While it's tough to talk about Betrayal Legacy without spoiling anything, I can say how my friends and I reacted while playing. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Betrayal Legacy is now available wherever board games are sold. This has been an interesting addition, and its ability is explained during the set up for Game 3. Theyre also integral to the third Haunt, which (thankfully) adds a second level of complexity to the cooperative play. Until the end. You can access all my other Betrayal posts HERE. Lost travelers with too much to lose. The arrival of the Helm. It was so fast and so brutal how the game and the Helm turned on us. But we cant keep making our own fun. This immediately led us to an outcome-based Legacy that was more meaningful than the cards that weve been adding to the deck based on previous results:the Guest Room where our killing occurred got replaced with a Bloody Room. The discovery is managed by a clever little mechanism where each of these peoples cultiness is defined by the sum of three hidden number chits. Betrayal Legacy is a gaming experience I will never forget. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Figure 2-3: Our family histories are another minor bit of Legacy. There are a cook and a farmhand, who we name Octavia and Ed. The first two are thematic characters, whos powers make sense. Another starts with certain tiles of the board already discovered. This shows us that a branch of many colours is a way of sharing the benefits at these times. Thats a pretty cool Legacy element, because it ensures those past choices have future results, which is what you really want in Legacy. The "traitor" in the Betrayals is a player who's suddenly selected to become an openly evil player halfway through the game. . So my group and I just played chapter 12 and since we crossed out chapter 13 at some point months ago (Due to unfinished painting event) I guess we are done? Another problem was a lack of player agency, not just in the game itself (always a problem inBetrayal), but in the campaign. We werent certain how it would go, but we knew wed end up checking that last box eventually. In the prologue, we explored the House for the first time, then when a Chalice of Insanity was uncovered, we all tried to kill each other under the (false) theory that we were cooperating to kill a hidden traitor. (Spoiler: it wasnt.). Have you already started your journey through the campaign? The cooperative and storytelling elements are as good as they were before. Playing the same board game with the same group of players over a dozen times doesn't sound like the best way to spend multiple nights . Just know there are so many smart ways Betrayal Legacy plays with expectations of those familiar with vanilla Betrayal. Parts of the house are expanded and destroyed, or otherwise permanently altered based on the outcomes of certain missions. In the haunt books there is a Haunt 0, which is an example haunt to teach players how they work. The introduction of NPCs (non player characters) are another fun addition to the game. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Legacy:This second game suggested that a lot of the Legacy inBetrayal Legacyis going to be story-related. It had two checks and his wife, Ally, had found it during this particular game. You can access all my other Betrayal posts HERE. Simultaneously, there's the second overarching story of the family legacy of the players, who alter the house and its contents along the way. Every one of us is convinced its a trap but every one of us put a sticker on it this game, and it may well be why we beat the Haunt. John asked her multiple times not to kill anything with it. Instead, most of the Legacy elements were confined to cards and tiles, which might or might not come up in future games, and which would likely be forgotten by the time they did. We do have a bit of fun, talking about how theres always a secret passage off to the left of the front door, and sure enough. Certainly theres some good tension here, which is what you need for a horror game to work, but its not enough to offset the pure unfunness of being punished from every exploration. But inBetrayal Legacy, all players can do is choose whether to mark Legacy items (which they do if they can) and whether to win or lose (but thats scarcely achoice). but we can't see it. Balanced. Ending: Entries 203-205 are all obviously the different endings to the campaign. More attacks means that the foe can do more damage. It really was that much fun. We often found the original game too random, and we felt like the long turns and variable length games often resulted in some or all players never getting off their feet, and so not getting to really experience the adventurous elements of the game. - YouTube Join Quests and Chaos as they Learn how to play through the board game Betrayal Legacy by Rob Daviau, and. While those familiar with Betrayal at House on the Hill can open the box and start playing right away, even the most seasoned Betrayal vets should have no idea what to expect. This left us with nopracticalway to cooperate, because no one could do much against the axe murderer. You could even go around so that everyone has a turn being the high priest and starting the chant with baby shark. It had become the trophy that we all fought for and it was suddenly gone. The problem is that theyre very punishing, often causing damage, often pushing the players ever onward, hoping to avoid the worst. Truly this thing is pleasing, but is nothing before the . Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). At the start of the Haunt in Game 4, the chosen player will have healed all their traits, and anyone else on that branch of the Helm will have healed 1 of their traits. Sadly, its again pretty rudimentary cooperation. Liked it? ButBetrayal Legacydidnt. I still dont know what happened to any of them. However the ramp-up of the cooperation may have been more problematic, as we moved through: (p) no cooperation; (1) tactical fighting; (2) minimal strategic cooperation; and (3) multi-stage strategic cooperation. I like the idea of revisiting the baby shark chant. Figure 3-2: Lets be frank, this Legacy helm isnt going to go anywhere good. Oops! Rules additions are a major element of Legacy games, and they can add a lot so well see what the next game brings. We maximize our health tactically, and that lets us find the cure in the nick of time. It will contain **Spoilers up to and including Game 4**. This will create particular areas in our house that are haunted. 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