Like us on Facebook to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. WebEquator crossing certificate. Naval History and Heritage Command. [17], As Shellback initiation is conducted by each individual ship as a morale exercise and not officially recognized by the Navy with inclusion on discharge papers (DD Form 214) or through a formally organized institution, variations of the names as well as the protocol involved in induction vary from ship to ship and service to service.[18]. Professor Hersh described the proceedings of the ritual to me as an inversion. While you are going through the ritual, she explained, you are constantly submissive. In her paper she points to some examples where men were made to perform simulated sexual acts. They are also performed in the merchant navy and aboard sail training ships. endstream endobj startxref Not affiliated with any government agency. Licensed in all 50 states. Equator Crossing or Baptism Ceremony Showing gratitude towards the sea and its masters may come in the form of a whispering pray behind the four walls of your cabin, but it sometimes requires a loud shout and a real ceremony which must be attended by everybody else on board. Following this aspect of the grand event, the sailors are tied together and marched forward to the anchor with the sound of a drum to coordinate movement. A beauty contest was held with one man from each department dressed up in womens swimsuit drag. This is the beginning of a line-crossing ceremony, a centuries-old ritual to inaugurate Equator-crossing virgins. 731|+pvwX` The ceremony is carefully orchestrated by the ship's officers, with some sailors reporting the events to be lackluster due to the removal of the rites of initiation. hVYoH+=#E Mclu"m*~Ks4/ mF[S,N8Z tpX#?H8Aao5Fh7FAc1!)o5Sq. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. He writes personal stories of our nation's veterans and active military members. hb```>VB eaX;f8L/```b^22jtsVP 6z k$}`+9Vxyo Nk1TO4# }/$ This is how #EQUATOR_CROSSING_CEREMONY is celebrated onboard. It was also called crossing the line. The ceremony could include funny and nave games like moving on hands and knees on slippery decks but more humiliating, difficult and dangerous tasks as well like crawling through barrels of garbage or oil, jumping overboard from high decks or climbing on top of the mast and being forced to spend hours in the same position. During the ceremony, the Pollywogs undergo a number of increasingly embarrassing ordeals (wearing clothing inside out and backwards; crawling on hands and knees on nonskid-coated decks; being swatted with short lengths of firehose; being locked in stocks & pillories and pelted with mushy fruit; being locked in a water coffin of salt-water and bright green sea dye [fluorescent sodium salt]; crawling through chutes or large tubs of rotting garbage; kissing the Royal Baby's belly coated with axle grease, hair chopping, etc. Top VA Purchase Lender each Fiscal Year between 2016-2022. '03aE,#M5fr0|\fs9_'_-Qrzm"\~+?NUzUwx_|],Lf,[~]lly_e)ETJJ Gz#. Newbies are called Pollywogs, Slimy Pollywogs or Slimy Wogs. The ritual dates back at least 400 years in Western seafaring. Beatings were often still common, usually with wet firehoses, and several World War II Navy deck logs speak of sailors visiting sick bay after crossing the line. It was also an initiation rite commemorated the first time a sailor crossed over. According to old tradition, all those crossing the equator for the first time, must be baptized and thus made an able-bodied seaman. Hersh writes: Pollywogs who are disliked, or who are suspected of being gay, receive especially harsh treatment, while favored wogs or high-ranking wogs are often pulled out of the ritual early, or are permitted to go through it without too much harassment.. No purchase necessary. Line-crossing Ceremony: Homophobic or Homoerotic? One of the men onboard are made to dress up as King Neptune, with the Trident scepter in hand and a crown for the glorious head! It was a way for sailors to be tested for their seaworthiness. The Navy is chock full of myth and tradition, and what happens at sea even affects our language. [citation needed]. By the end of WW II, the United States Navy had added nearly 1,200 major combatant vessels to its combined fleet. Normally theres some separation between these groups, but during the line-crossing ceremony everyone is involved, be they scientist or crew. at last, glad enough, I escaped. Even commercial cruise lines have been known to host some parts of the ritual. Obviously enough, my urge to sleep took the better of me and I dozed off for I would have to go and assist the Chief Mate in is watch in a few hours. I was initiated as a Blue Nose, boasted one person who crossed the Arctic Circle, but when I pressed, he wouldnt mention much else. CALCULATE: Calculate your VA Loan savings. (Photo: Public domain/WikiCommons). Anyone inducted is quick to say they are part of this Order, but resistant to go into more detail. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the world's hidden wonders. Get the latest news and updates emailed straight to your inbox. Our modern practice is believed to have evolved from Viking rituals, executed upon crossing the 30th parallel, a tradition After crossing the line, Pollywogs receive subpoenas[14] to appear before King Neptune and his court (usually including his first assistant Davy Jones and her Highness Amphitrite and often various dignitaries, who are all represented by the highest-ranking sailors who are Shellbacks), who officiate at the ceremony, which is often preceded by a beauty contest of men dressing up as women, each department of the ship being required to introduce one contestant in swimsuit drag. Perhaps Neptunes approval doesnt depend on harassment. crossing the equator, Commanding Officer Captain J. Scott Jones, for instance, publicly announced that the USS Bonhomme Richard had a great celebration of this important passage. This amounted to over 70% of the world's total number of military ships measuring 1,000 tons or greater. The eve of the equatorial crossing is called Wog Day and, as with many other night-before rituals, is a mild type of reversal of the day to come. On Navy cruises everyone is considered a crew member, maintaining the ship in all ways needed. Heinous as the accusations are, no one seems too concerned until the royal handmaidens bring out the fish. The crew finally converted the Wogs after the endurance tests were accomplished, ending the ceremonywith an affirmation of the new Shellbacks by way of a certificate declaring their new status. From their ships berth, floating in the middle of the ocean, they are ushered into a room to begin the trial. Required fields are marked *. WebCrossing The Equator (The Script of the Ceremony in HMCS Stettler 1957 February 26, 1957 at 106 East Longitude) (Name of original author not recorded 1957) Note to Reader: This is a typical script for a Crossing the Line ceremony. The ceremony observes a mariner's transformation from slimy Pollywog, a seaman who hasn't crossed the equator, to trusty Shellback, also called a Son or Daughter of Neptune. There were pageants where wogs were forced to crossdress in front of their superiors, and then spend the rest of their day performing often degrading tasks. It was a way for sailors to be tested for their seaworthiness. [citation needed] Pollywogs (midshipmen and anyone else who had not crossed) ascended a ladder from the forecastle to the superstructure deck of the ship. ae. At sea you are not woman or man, you are sailor. This is how #EQUATOR_CROSSING_CEREMONY is celebrated onboard. This line-crossing lunacy was sanctioned to boost sailors spirits. I remember going back to my cabin at 1200 hrs after completing some important deck work. Each ship might have their own traditions and nuances, but the fundamental structure goes something like this: Many accounts dwell only on the final, elaborate ceremony that takes place on the day a ship traverses the equator, but the month leading up to King Neptune's arrival, when the Pollywogs are separated off from the Shellbacks, is also significant. It was designed to test the novices in the crew to see whether they could endure their first cruise at sea, senior chief aviation boatswains mate Bernard Dizontold the Navys press office. Those credulous enough to run forward to see Neptune "were received with the watery honours which it is customary to bestow". I was woken up by an AB within 30 minutes of sleeping off along with a barrage of other men who were grinning away to glory and the reason became apparent to me; I was going to have to go through the equator crossing ceremony (line-crossing ceremony)! WebWelcome to Equator CrossingThe line-crossing ceremony is an initiation rite that commemorates a person's first crossing of the Equator. [citation needed]. Honorable Shellbacks or Sons of Neptune was the namegiven to a sailor who has already crossed the equator. Shilavadra Bhattacharjee is a shipbroker with a background in commercial operations after having sailed onboard as a Third Officer. Most prominently, ocean scientists are known to perform similar ceremonies. The researcher I spoke to remembered how on her trip two scientists were already in the order of shellback, so they joined the rest of the crew to help facilitate the days events. All-Time Lows: According to interest rates published on July 31, 2020, on 2023 Atlas Obscura. All the same, its not a secret. The controlled order often turned to chaos if a Pollywog revolt began. 14 0 obj Wogs (all of the uninitiated) are allowed to capture and interrogate any Shellbacks they can find (e.g., tying them up, cracking eggs or pouring aftershave lotion on their heads). As they approached the equator on the evening of 16 February 1832, a pseudo-Neptune hailed the ship. It is a memory that is etched into each and every seafarer, for it is an event that ushers in a sense of belonging to ones profession. In order to ensure that all the seafarers show their gratitude towards the mighty sea and receive the blessing from Neptune at the beginning of their career and not wait until they have the chance of crossing the Equator, more and more ceremonies are undergone for the first voyage at sea as well. Your email address will not be published. Because I know with a smile and a handshake [], A Queen is no ordinary woman. VA-approved lender. They are also performed in the merchant navy and aboard sail training ships. But there are also times when myseafarers are busy, with bunkering, or they are doing other work. endobj If they had not, they must choose to give up their allowance of wine for four days, or undergo a ducking ceremony in which they were ducked three times into the ocean. As with most healthy traditions, the small indignities are a symbolism for inclusion and frolic. For instance, the ship's captain might play the part of King Neptune himself. Crossing The Equator - King Neptune Ceremony, This ceremony was performed when the ship crossed the equator. Made to kissan axle-greased Royal Babys Belly. Why fly home from Bali when you can cruise in style? Some people may find this a silly game, but seafarers know for certain that receiving the blessing from the God of the Sea is always an honor and must be regarded as such.Equator Crossing ceremony is just a humble way of recognizing Neptune as Master of the Seas and all the seafarers who receive Neptunes permission to sail his waters have to be celebrated and congratulated by all the crew on board. The luxury cruise ship that doubles as a science vessel, instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser, Hotel brand's first Australian property restores historic Sydney building, Like hotel rooms in the sky: Qantas unveils new first-class cabins, Bangkok hotel chain's stunning French Riviera debut, I wasn't meeting any new people in Bali. #ashmore #sailingships #tallships #youngadult #historicalfiction #truestory #captain #shipsurgeon #interactiveadventure #kiwiauthor #immigration #youngadultfiction #kingneptune #ceremony #crossingthequator #shellbacks #pollywoggers #sonsofneptune. and normally, dipped in the water gathered in the save-all tray! King Neptune is a prominent figure, as is his representative Davy Jones. Hershs research focused on how such an ingrained naval practice helped illustrate the power dynamics of people historically discriminated against in the Navynamely gays and women. Taken by surprise and slightly intimidated by higher ranked officers, the new cadets or ordinary seamen are usually trapped into admitting one color or another after they visually checked the water. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 1400 Forum Blvd. This line-crossing lunacy was sanctioned to boost sailors spirits. Offer available only in the U.S. (including Puerto Rico). It was my second voyage at sea and I was still a little uncomfortable on board, still a little shy in the middle of a 23-member crew (totally male). Church, Andrew. When the ceremonies were first conducted, they were physically challenging and could even be painful or embarrassing to the Sailors. It was a way for sailors to be tested for their seaworthiness. About 9 am the next day, the novices or "griffins" were assembled in the darkness and heat of the lower deck, then one at a time were blindfolded and led up on deck by "four of Neptunes constables", as "buckets of water were thundered all around". The Schooner Bar pianist and crooner comes in for some particularly harsh treatment, possibly for playing Living Next Door to Alice too often. His interests primarily lie in the energy sector, books and travelling. of Veterans Affairs or any government agency. Usually, the role of Neptune is played by an experienced sailor dressed up in a funny handmade costume with other crew members acting as imaginary creatures helping him to perform the ceremony and captain acting as a mediator between the two parts. There are other similar ceremonies for different locales including the Arctic and Antarctic Circle, the International Date Line, and others. Hersh mentioned how the ceremony morphed as more people entered the Navy. A VA approved lender; Not endorsed or sponsored by the Dept. After we drank our glasses with that awful tasting liquid, we received our certificates together with everybodys congratulations and enjoyed a wonderful party thrown in our honor. [citation needed] The Wogs are made very aware that it will be much harder on them if they do anything like this. 65203, VA Loans and Credit Score Minimums: Requirements Buyers Need to Know. Required fields are marked *. Anything else the Shellbacks could think of. Then, they are offered a glass of red liquid a combination of sea water and spices which must be drunk thoroughly. The Pollywogs (also referred to as landlubbers) must be dipped in water for the initiation and passing into the realm of the seas. MORE: Check if you meet the official VA loan requirements. endobj King Neptune Ceremony This ceremony was performed when the ship crossed the equator. Consider supporting our work by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month. This ceremony is still practised onboard numerous ships today. The Pollywogs are accused of various atrocities and crimes against humanity, including pushing in at the buffet, singing karaoke out of tune and dancing without rhythm. U.S. sailors and Marines participate in a line-crossing ceremony. Today, the event is voluntary and is conducted more for entertainment purposes and morale boosting than anything else. It is very seldom to find an age-old tradition that is carried out with such gusto at shore. For a while, said Hersh, some boats tried to stop the ceremonies from even happening. From that moment on, they are no longer seen as outsiders, but they fully deserved to be included in the seafarers family. Normally, it is at dinner that the highly esteemed Equator Crossing Certificate is handed out to seal the rituals authenticity forever. Showing gratitude towards the sea and its masters may come in the form of a whispering pray behind the four walls of your cabin, but it sometimes requires a loud shout and a real ceremony which must be attended by everybody else on board. I wouldnt call it hazing per se, the researcher said. WebThe ritual dates back at least 400 years in Western seafaring. (Photo: Public domain/WikiCommons). U.S. sailors and Marines participate in a line-crossing ceremony. 211 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<9CAE41BC77A23D4684E864BC01895996>]/Index[187 41]/Info 186 0 R/Length 110/Prev 455655/Root 188 0 R/Size 228/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Nowadays, the most common ceremonies always include at least two members of the crew willing to conduct the show, the fire hoses ready to splash, glasses of miraculous drinks, baptism certificates, a noisy and supportive crowd and a well deserved party afterwards. 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