We have language to kind of consider them an operator, so they could be liable for a fine and we do issue them a warning letter. Last updated: December 2022 MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Oh, that's probably why they are complaining, right? The price of the equipment is $2,960.51. It's not. Our agents are pretty smart on the tricks. We have been at in rem seizures we call them where the U.S. marshals come with the local law enforcement and there is 20 of them and they have to secure the whole block off, the have to secure the building for our protection. So when we finally are able to pick up the signal in our car we then drive in the area in kind of a circle around the source and we plot lines, we call them lines of bearing on a map, and where they intersect is where this transmission source is originating. And I have had to make this clarifying point on other podcasts that I have done at the FCC. MR. DOMBROWSKI: There is a variety of pirate radio stations out there. Hover over one of the three pirate radio neighborhood zones (the center zone has the most stations) and click for a list of stations that broadcast to those areas. Many of you have suggested in the past that the SWLing Post join an affiliate links program. Finding Shortwave Stations and Broadcasts. To the contrary, though, more than a half-century later, pirate radio is still a thing. PROMAX designs several monitoring and spectrum surveillance systems. We hope you understand, and are grateful for your support. The Radio Informer - The latest info on the world of radio including:world,shortwave . It's something we have been doing as long as the equipment has been available we've always had pirate radio operators. In some cases, radio stations are considered legal where the signal is transmitted, but illegal where the signals are receivedespecially when the signals cross a national boundary. "Caroline now has two stations, one playing album music and one playing the original pop music for which the station is remembered," Moore explains. But O'Rahilly was undeterred, even after his ship was seized briefly by Dutch authorities. So what is pirate radio? And so these transmitters that they are purchasing and pirate stations are using do not go through the equipment process, the equipment authorization process, and that is a problem. But merely the act of purchasing this equipment is illegal and partly that's because it comes from overseas and it's not been tested by the FCC, correct? They have a bill circulating around called the PIRATE Act. They are very low power and the range of them are very small. And what the pirate radio operators do is they don't obtain a license, they don't go through this process, and they try to find vacant spectrum between these stations. Our agency was delegated by Congress to allocate frequencies and allocate it in the public interest and it's a resource. 123. It is portable, but can also be used as a permanent FM radio station. Most are run by hobbyists purely for fun, although some have political or other agendas. Pirates tend to occupy swatches of the shortwave spectrum that are relatively quiet, avoid intentionally broadcasting on top of one another, and typically operate at fairly low power. So sometimes the apartment owner, the building owner, or whatever, is totally in the dark about this, didn't know about. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks.com article: Patrick J. Kiger So I never left, I've been here for over 25 years. I know that lots of pirates operate there, mostly on AM and FM, but no one is on SWand if they are, they arent sending QSLs, [or] operating in places where radio hobbyists would hear them. But so when we say Region One I think even most people in the FCC are not necessarily aware of how the country is carved up when it comes to enforcement and the field offices, et cetera, so can you give the listeners a brief sense of what do we mean by Region One, what areas do you cover? Well joining me to discuss this topic is David Dombrowski, Regional Director for Region One in the FCC Enforcement Bureau. As Yoder goes on to explain in his introduction of the 2012 Pirate Radio Annual, pirates are often confused with radio bootleggers (who conduct unlicensed two-way conversations), clandestine stations (usually political stations), and jammers (who intentionally try to block broadcasts). You know, when they do that they get a ticket number when they file the ticket online so the broadcasters can call us and find out, let us know that they filed the complaint and follow up with us. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: And those, and I think we mentioned New York, we mentioned Philadelphia, are there other hot spots in particular where this seems to just be a bigger problem than elsewhere in the country? North American Pirate Radio Frequencies By far the most active ranges in North America are 43 meters (6800-7000 kHz), 46 meters (6200-6400 kHz) and 73 meters (4000-4200 kHz), with some activity in the 60 meter band (4700-5300 kHz) as well. The government authorities in charge of the surveillance of the radio-electric spectrum can use the PROWATCH instruments to detect and locate the pirate and irregular broadcast stations of radio and TV. So somebody that hasn't invested a lot of money in equipment and the single processing to make it sound richer you could tell if you have an ear to it, our agents can do that. So what is the state of pirate radio in the U.S. and how is the FCC taking it on? * Shows you how to find pirate stations on your AM/FM, shortwave, and online radios. And so he brought this argument up when we tried to get his station off the air by using the court proceedings and he fought that we were violating his First Amendment rights. Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google. Addeddate 2022-03-13 23:21:58 . Many are confused by the term pirate radio, otherwise known as free radio. Either term is sufficient, and some stations prefer one designation or the other. David, thanks so much for joining. And then they said to me well here is ten jobs that you potentially could have which one is your top choice? Across the country, FCC officials are working to identify and take action against unlicensed radio operators that illegally use the frequencies allocated for legitimate radio operators. And they could also --. Well I want to, you know, just emphasize the importance of this issue. An excellent and active pirate radio forum hosted by Chris Smolinski. What can the average person do? MR. DOMBROWSKI: The majority of the people do not give us truthful information and so our agents have to be trained to do interviews to know when people are telling the truth or not and it may just require keep asking the right questions and keeping after it. March 13 2022 . In the U.S., pirate stations have popped up in recent years all over the country, from West Virginia to Washington state, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which plays a continual game of whack-a-mole in an effort to keep them off the airwaves used by licensed broadcasters. Like me, you might just get hooked! They were also changing frequency. He anchored the ship in international waters in the North Sea, just off Frinton, Essex, and hired a crew of DJs to play music around the clock at the time, a revolutionary concept. Weve now covered the who, what, where, when, and how of pirate huntingbut what about why? MR. SWARZTRAUBER: No. About Google Maps. All you need is a location to host the antenna and access to electricity unless you've got batteries, then just the location.". But just as the British government's stiff penalties didn't deter Radio Caroline, at least so far, the U.S. government's crackdown doesn't seem to have deterred the pirates. We do a field strength measurement to see if their power exceeds that threshold and if they meet the Part 15 requirements or not. And he had some good backing, financial backing, by the ACLU who were fighting for him, and he was a microbroadcaster and he tried to encourage others to follow in his footsteps and protect our First Amendment rights, so he was --. If you've been binge-watching movies lately, you may have come across "Pirate Radio." Sweet! We get them in Virginia, we get them out in Illinois, even just remote areas of West Virginia they pop up. I keep a copy handy as it helps me identify stations and better understand their format. And one of the reasons that they are causing harmful interference, in particular to the FAA operations, is because they are not tested, right. The original 60s pirate station, playing fresh pop / rock music to Britain's young masses from a boat in the North Sea, floating in international waters four and a half miles off the Essex coastline. This is likely due to the early sunsets and cold winter nights of the northern hemisphere that tend to keep people indoors, which in turn encourages pirates to hit the air. In 1971 I was ordered to Cease and Desist by our friends at the FCC. 2. So we typed up this -- They showed me a license and it was something typed up on the computer that said we're licensed by their statutes of the Moors people and so they felt that they have a right to operate. It will also help to have some sort of adjustable bandwidth filter (wide/narrow). I mean they have a significant financial investment in their stations, they have gone through proper FCC process, and now they are competing for listeners with stations that did not go through that process, did not necessarily bear the same financial burden to get up and running, and they are not maybe just competing with listeners, as we have mentioned we've been competing with, they are competing with advertisers as well. So you couldn't be blamed for assuming that it depicts a long-vanished phenomenon, like Nehru jackets with iridescent scarves and psychedelic-patterned paper mini dresses. It's covert surveillance equipment. And those rules dictate a lot of restrictions and cover your wireless transmitters that we use every day, remote controls for you car, your headset, bluetooth sets. And you have tools to escalate the situation. There is a reason that those devices operate in an unlicensed manner because they are not transmitting very far. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes. For many of the people in those communities, who may not be able to afford a computer or a smartphone and a broadband connection, pirate radio is an affordable medium. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes, in those dense urban areas because the FM band is already pretty clogged up with legitimate stations that might be one of the reasons that people throw up their hands and say, well, I guess I'm just do an illegal station because I am frustrated by the legal process for getting a station, but that is not a justification in any sense of the word. Of course, it's called the PIRATE Act, and that stands for Preventing Illegal Radio Abuse Through Enforcement Act. The U.S. A lot of times you can tell by the audio quality. Many of our links now function as affiliate links. In the U.S., pirate stations have popped up in recent years all over the country, from West Virginia to Washington state, according to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which plays a continual game of whack-a-mole in an effort to keep them off the airwaves used by licensed broadcasters. One of the FCC's top enforcement priorities is cracking down on pirates, and, no, not the Pirates of the Caribbean or the Pirates of East Africa, we're talking about pirate radio. There is always a building manager they call the supra and he has a shop down in the basement and a lot of times we find the equipment down in his shop. I will put in the show notes a link to the FCC complaint page and the phone number if you would like to get involved. VIEWS. Unauthorized stations are particularly prolific in the New York City area, where a 2016 study by the New York State Broadcasters Association (NYSBA) found that there actually were more pirates then on the FM band than legal licensed stations. If you have information about a pirate radio station, you can notify the FCC by calling 888-CALLFCC or filing a complaint online at https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov. So they thought that was a way for them to avoid detection by hopping from building to building and frequency to frequency. He was out of Berkeley, California, and his station was called Radio Free Berkeley. I mean stream --. 1. Some pirates simply key down their mike and begin talking, sharing their political or social views; others offer near-professional music productions, complete with listener feedback, and often acknowledge listener reports with QSLs (radio postcards). We also had a case in Queens, New York, where several pirate radio stations got involved together and they were using each other's equipment in order to change location to avoid detection. And so we need to make sure that we stop the importation of this equipment, we stop the marketing of these illegal transmitters. Evan is joined by David Dombrowski, Regional Director for Region One in the FCC Enforcement Bureau. MR. DOMBROWSKI: A lot of these stations are streaming at the same time so it really boggles my mind why an FM station that's unlicensed, you know, has its stream content and then also it's broadcasting over the airwaves. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Because you don't know what you are running into. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, if it's imported. Friday March 17, 1989 5:00 am. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Thank you. So over the last ten years people get online and purchase a transmitter and get it delivered to their door and so that makes, you know, everybody a hobbiest now and to have an interest to start a pirate radio station because it's so available. ACTIVITY. MR. DOMBROWSKI: No, it doesn't have -- It's not marked with pizza delivery guy either. Find this podcast in the iTunes store or Google Play or wherever you get your podcasts. So that's been great because now we can work with the local authorities, such as the police or the district attorney's office, and get them involved in the investigation, and they have the power to arrest and fine people. Meanwhile, the Ross Revenge was repaired and converted into a floating museum for tourists. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Right. Total Views 29,203 (Older Stats) ITEMS. It lasted three years there and then I had an opportunity to get to the Philadelphia Office Enforcement Bureau with the field work and that's been -- I was there for 20 years. And that's it, we will catch you next time. While you can hear some on weekdays, your best bet is Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, local time. They just twist the dial. So when we license stations, you know, I used to work in the FM branch so I am very knowledgeable about the process, but there is a whole legal and engineering study that has to be done before you get a license and it takes resources to do that, financial resources. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Well at least you are recycling. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So, David, you are uniquely qualified to talk about this topic and to help listeners to understand just how qualified you are how did you get to this current position at the FCC. It would identify what are the legitimate stations and also identify what stations we sanctioned so they could better get an understanding, you know, is this a legitimate station I am hearing or not. You know, there was a glowing article in a certain New York publication that at least one FCC commissioner was irked by because it seemed to be kind of glorifying this underground practice and making it seem like some interesting thing, but you really got to keep in mind not just the radio stations that are interfered with, but emergency communications. Whether youre a QSL collector, a content DXer, or the casual SWLer, I find theres something in pirate radio listening for everyone. In the late 1980s, unlicensed operators tried broadcasting from a Honduran-flag freighter in the waters off Long Island, according to The New York Times. URL Here: https://dkng.co/rogue-----For entertainment purposes only. Loggings are in real time and there are very fewif anyoff-topic posts. So we eventually went to the courts and fought. Let's say they are listening, they think something is suspicious they get a tip, they see something weird in their building, what can they do to help you and the FCC tackle this problem? I apologize to the listeners in advance if I make any horrible, corny jokes throughout the course of this podcast, but it would probably help to start with a definition, right. The most popular frequency used by U.S. and Canadian pirate radio stations is 6925 kHz, transmitting in the AM or upper sideband (USB) modes. Pirate radio broadcasting on shortwave radio in North America is mostly done in a frequency range just below the 40 meter amateur radio band, from about 6815 kHz to 6970 kHz. They label the equipment as something else. Thanks to e-commerce, it's also easier than ever for a would-be pirate to find the necessary equipment and have it delivered to his or her door, as FCC enforcement official David Dombrowski described in this 2019 podcast. We do follow the bread crumbs to where it leads us and a lot of times we are able to identify the operators and where the studio is and have success in getting the station shut down. MR. DOMBROWSKI: It's kind of sad to see, but --. Revealing the history of pirate radio from 1925 to today, author Andrew Yoder, pirate radio aficionado and long-time writer on radio, electronics, and audio subjects:. Carl McIntire, a fundamentalist preacher who briefly broadcast fire-and-brimstone sermons from a converted minesweeper off the coast of New Jersey, as this 2014 NJ.com article details. Set up your Raspberry Pi You'll need to get Raspbian, the Linux-based operating system for the Raspberry Pi. Tribute to Pirate Radio, KQLZ 100.3 FM Los Angeles. Marshals went in with us and we seized the equipment. Note:Even though it is illegal to broadcast on the shortwave bands without a license, and those who do so are subject to hefty fines, it is not illegal to listen or to send and receive QSL cards from such operators. The U.S. has had its share of pirate broadcasters over the years as well. That would be not a good practice. Bruce will host a new daily show for Bauer's station Greatest Hits Radio, taking his iconic PopMaster game with him. Now many listeners as you know have the experience of tuning their dial and there appear to be vacant channels you have said that one of the reasons for that is to guard against interference, but someone listening might say well why do we care, right. These pirate stations pose a host of problems for public safety, including interference with emergency alerts and air traffic control. It takes a lot of time to process just one complaint and so it is distracting our agents of getting into the database and populating all the fields and calling the complainant. Unlike major broadcasters, many pirates dont stick to AM as a preferred mode. To have a radio station here helps to establish the station's operator as an important source of information and influence in the community.". We have talked about other challenges in densely populated areas just like traffic jams, you're driving around in this van and you can't go anywhere because it's rush hour in New York City. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Yes. Be careful to. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Ten times as much, that's big, yes. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Do the pilots only complain if it's a song that they don't like? The warrant is issued to the U.S. Marshal Service and seize all of the equipment that is associated with the operation of a radio station, really anything physically connected to the transmitter. Of course, the chaos of the radio spectrum was one of the reasons this agency was created in the first place, including our predecessor agency The Federal Radio Commission, but there are other issues that broadcasters in particular complain about. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Oh, yes. It had a 20-mile range. To prove my point, here are some MP3 recordings of some of my favorite recent pirate radio stations/broadcasts: Though pirates can be located anywhere on the planet, and therefore can broadcast, hypothetically, anywhere on the radio dial, patterns are actually fairly predictable in order to draw a listening audience. Has it evolved over the years? We also would be required to file a report to Congress annually on our enforcement activities in pirate radio. . So we get complaints from the FAA quite often, more than a few times a month in New York, and that the pilots are flying over the city and they are trying to communicate with air traffic control and all of a sudden they pick up a radio station. With that said (and for reasons I dont fully understand) depending on where you live in the world, you will either find it very easy to locate piratesor extremely difficult. Pirate Radio goes on the air in Los Angeles by "taking over" K-Lite 100 (KIQQ). MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes. I know out on the West Coast in California we have more significant numbers than other areas, so that probably would be one of the five markets identified, maybe the L.A. area would probably be another market that we would look at. "How Pirate Radio Rocked the 1960s Airwaves and Still Exists Today" I was still a teenager. Indeed, since pirates are operating at lower power, they get much more bang-for-the-watt out of SSB. In addition to this 2019 BBC documentary, Goren also has created the Pirate Radio Map, which documents pirate radio stations in Brooklyn and even includes brief samples from their broadcasts. The original converted ferry sank in 1980, but the five DJs on board and the ship's canary, Wilson, named after British Prime Minister Harold Wilson all were rescued, according to O'Rahilly's New York Times obituary. We usually go with the police just for our protection and also for the protection of the occupants inside the residence. Each issue also contains a CD of sound clips from various pirates, several articles about the state of pirate radio, and other relevant info. Open up the transmitter Locate the seam on the transmitter's case and pry it open with a putty knife (if your transmitter is screwed shut, you'll need a screwdriver to open it). Pirates broadcast a wide variety of content, but are usually motivated by sharing their messageor favorite musicon the air. KQLZ Pirate Radio stormed the Southern California airwaves in 1989, and. That would allow us to increase the fine to $100,000. In the quieter winter months, stations seem to pop out of the ether. 3. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So there are no doubt some good samaritans listening to this show that want nothing more than to help with the scourge of pirate radio. It could be harmful if we let a pirate radio station operate because sometimes they cause interference to other services, like aeronautical communications. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: So let's say that either a broadcaster or a listener files a complaint, what happens then, what tools do you, your colleagues in the FCC, have to go about finding a station, shutting it down, bringing people to justice? We'd like to contact you. "To enforce the law and protect American radio listeners and lawful businesses, the Federal Communications Commission has made a concerted effort in recent years to step up our enforcement efforts against pirate radio stations.". MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Right. Want to buy me a cup of coffee? MR. SWARZTRAUBER: Just because it's easy to buy it doesn't mean it's legal. MR. DOMBROWSKI: Yes, to lease some air time off these legitimate stations. Even as many legacy international broadcasters are abandoning the shortwave bands, shortwave remains active and vibrant in another quadrant: namely, on shortwave pirate radio. He's the station manager for today's legal, land-based version of Radio Caroline, which obtained a license to broadcast at 648 Khz on the AM band in 2017, but still strives to preserve the rebellious spirit of the original operation. But the FCC, Congress and the commercial broadcasting industry don't see the pirates as serving such a benign purpose. Additionally, youll find contact information for QSL requests and mail-drop addresses as well. Unlike the rock 'n' roll hipsters of 1960s British pirate radio, who aimed at a mass audience, most of Brooklyn's unlicensed broadcasters seem to be immigrants and members of ethnic and religious minorities trying to reach their own groups and neighborhoods. MR. SWARZTRAUBER: It's not working properly and that's why it's going into air traffic control. Dont believe me? I mean are there tell-tale signs or are some of these stations so sophisticated that it's really hard for the average person to distinguish? You still have to go down on foot and go out onto maybe the rooftop where the antenna is to confirm that that is the source. This little book by Andrew Yoder is the equivalent of the WRTH (World Radio TV Handbook) of the pirate radio world. A lot of stations conceal their antennas, they hide behind things, they take the antennas down during they day, so they try avoid detection. MR. DOMBROWSKI: And so that's not practical for somebody that wants to operate a radio station to cover an entire community. Nothing. Created on. The Who actually paid homage to Radio Caroline and other offshore broadcasters by parodying them on their 1967 concept album "The Who Sell Out," as music historian John Atkins has written. They also spent the regulatory fees that they have to, you know, spend I think yearly, and so they have an investment in their service and these unlicensed stations NP that. : just because it 's imported will also help to have some sort of adjustable bandwidth filter ( ). By sharing their messageor favorite musicon the air in Los Angeles threshold and if they meet Part. Store or Google Play or wherever you get your podcasts the iTunes store Google! Over the years as well by hobbyists purely for fun, although some have political or other agendas potentially have!: ten times as much, that 's it, we will catch next. 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