Crosses or xs on the palm usually indicate problems or changes. Text is registered by the US Library ofCongress under TX0007655635. If the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate ascends the Line of Life on Mount of Venus (2-2) then your fervent adoration may affect your entire career. Also a general reading would be appreciated! If an island is observed on the palm of a female connecting with the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate with Mount of Venus then it is an obvious sign of her seduction (5). They may be more inclined to study science or law, something that follows the rules and has standards and structure! Therefore, if youre learning Palmistry it is desirable if you learn the Mount meanings first. Water hands also indicate someone who is highly sensitive and gets their feelings hurt easily. A short line indicates a lot of focus on one thing for their whole life - a longer line indicates a rich life full of varied interests. It represents physical strength and perseverance. This area highlights innate magnetism and a persons emotional connection to love and romance. The Mercury Mount is mainly associated with communication, but can also reflect you speed levels and how tech savy you are. 1. You can be loyal to a fault. 4. Apply your observations to real situations happening in your life. What does the Star on Jupiters mount mean? The meaning of higher knowledge is different, its more to do with spirituality. The next step is to familiarize yourself with the different hand shapes and lines. The Mount of Venus will also tell you how much influence your family has on you, how much you need their approval and your willingness to follow cultural traditions. If you want to know how to read your palm, its essential to be aware of the size and shape of your hands, fingers, hand lines, their lengths, how and where they cross each other, and where they break or end are all a snapshot into your life and personality. You are looking for thickness in relation to the other mounts on your hand in general, not how your hand looks to other peoples. The mounts are linked to the 7 classical planets in our solar system. Our palms naturally evolve throughout our lives, but the fate line transforms the most frequently. All Rights Reserved. This mount is seen above the Outer Mars mount at the base of your little finger. Many Yogs associated with prosperity or property can be seen in palmistry. According to a folk saying in China, the simian line in the left palm of men is a symbol of commander's seal and general, the one in the right palm suggests the treasury and outstanding businessman and the simian lines in both palms indicate the certain achievements if the right way is taken on. Through her work, she teaches diviners how to give more confident readings. This mount and area of the hand corresponds with a persons optimism and vitality and can often show us if a persons outlook is generally positive. How able you are to restrain yourself can also be found here. Their location and interpretation are shown below. Writer, artist, and energy healer Mounts which are merged have their own special meanings, so I am going to outline how to interpret them here! The fate line runs up your hand, starting from your wrist. If the cross is observed on the Line of Fate and on Mount of Saturn then the end of this type of Destiny may be full of tragedy such as public death, etc. Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. If these two lines arent close to one another, it suggests youre steering the ship. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. In palm reading, this is known as merge mounts. Men with a simian line are determined, stubborn, competent and powerful, and most of leaders have the line. When you rely on your intuition you are reading what jumps out at you and what doesnt. If this new line seems straight and good then the changes may bring advancement in the position starting at the time when the 2nd line comes first. Women with a simian line tend to be ambitious and they can make outstanding achievements if the ambition is used properly. You may not get help from people. As this is typically a flat area, its meaning is determined based on which lines dominate the section. It means that the person may apply you for fulfilling his ambitions. There are a total of ten mounts on the palm, but Ill be going over the six that are the most prominent and easiest to locate. For the purposes of this quick guide, well look closely at the major lines in palmistry - but be aware there is a lot more to learn about the ancient subject and its not limited to the major lines! He may leave you when you are no longer of use. So if a person can sharpen skills 100% gains can be expected. Located between the Mounts of Mercury and Luna, Outer Mars (aka Upper Mars) represents steadfastness and emotional courage. You should satisfy yourself with mostly describing your features, oddness etc. People have been reading palms for centuries to try to determine the path their life will take, whether they will have good or bad luck, and what their innate character traits might be. Oct 13, 2017 - Want to know the meaning of having mounts in-between your fingers in palmistry? It spotlights a persons integrity, as well as the highs and lows of life. Here is the meaning of the mounts: Many people regard the life line only as a measure of how long we will live. If these 2 lines merge after running parallel for some distance then it denotes that this Double Line has been formed by the great affection which surroundings are not allowed to union. To gain a detailed insight into palmistry and individuals lives, you should look at the minor lines and how they influence and interact with the major lines. I have partial simian lines on both the hands. The mounts and hand shapes are open to interpretation and it takes practice to recognize and decipher meanings. Learn more about Lisa here. Then you would do well in the tech sector. The possibility arises if someone has a Simian line. Mount of Jupiter is associated with politics honor religion administration and sprituality. The genesis of palmistry is uncertain, but one theory suggests that it may have been incepted in ancient India before spreading elsewhere. . There are four basic hand shapes within palmistry; each one is associated with a different element and its associated traits. When there are fewer lines around a mount, the planet will relax and replenish its energies. Mounts are essentially elevated spaces on different regions of the palm, each assigned to a specific planet. This week Ill go over six of the mounts, or raised areas, of your palms and what they signify. The Outer Mount of Marsshows how brave you and your willingness to do the right thing. Like a faithful workman accepts whatever the works have to prove. It experienced another resurgence in the 19th and 20th centuries when studied and practiced by cerebral minds such as Casimir dArpentigny (founding father of chirognomy), William Benham (academic, author, and churchman), and Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Carl Jung. The heart line starts underneath your pinky finger, curves across the hand and ends usually between the index and middle finger. It can be observed on the palm even at the time of birth, distinctly denoting the kinds of Destiny or Fate which lies in the faraway before an inhabitant. Grab your free 28-page Tarot For Beginners Guide here: We won't send you spam. If youre interested in divination, you can download my free Tarot for Beginners Guide on this website! You most likely run your own business, which will have a creative element to it. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. Those with a Saturn/Sun Mount usually end up running their own businesses as they generally do not like making money for others! The owner of a deep life line needs to cultivate empathy, patience, and understanding to get on with those with gentler energies. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher. But it may not be capable of predicting the details of your Fate or Destiny. Variations of opinion about Fish sign in palmistry [], The head line in palmistry refers to the thought process and facets related to the brain and the mind. Question related to Jupiter mount in Palm reading? Once you know this, you can reveal how you will react to events in your future or your past. Your sense of right and wrong and the likelihood you will express this is reflected in the Outer Mount of Mars. The head line, also called the wisdom line, describes how an individual thinks and the direction of their thought process and normally career. There are two methods for discerning if a mount is weak or prominent: you can read physical flesh or use your intuition. You secretly like to be the leader and the centre of attention: you use your wits to influence people. Ascending from the Life Line (2-2) your triumph may be created by your own effort and merit. Mount of Moon: The Mount of the Moon is the area on the lower third of the hand, directly opposite the Mount of Venus (white on image). They can also be stubborn and too wrapped up in the present that they stunt long-term planning and goal-setting. I am a participant in Amazons affiliate program. If you look at your hand you might see some of these areas are developed and others are not so. Also, you can look down on people who are not as hard working or passionate as you are. In fact, a short line represents independence and self-determination. A short heart line (that ends before the middle finger) shows that an individual is lacking in emotional intelligence, likely to be impulsive in their actions and not think about the consequences. The Mounts appear typically directly below the fingers. Categorised in: How-to, Palmistry, Rituals, Symbolism, Wellness. What do lines originating on Jupiters Mount mean? To understand Jupiter understand Jupiter in our solar system. Rounded, slightly raised mounts signify characteristics that are well-proportioned and balanced. Mounts, which are bumps of flesh on your palm play a very important role in palm reading. Even if the mount is flat even then it will be called mount. This line certainly appears to denote at the least principal incidents of your career. Spirituality is more to do with leading a life for a higher purpose. The mounts can be a great indication of what career choices might work best for a person. Merged mounts usually have positive meanings, usually related to success. Trauma-informed support for your spiritual journey Each line has a different meaning, which is determined by length, depth, and flow. Professional palmists believe thats a sign of upcoming changes. Girdle of Venus. If the Destiny Line or Fate Line climbs from your wrist (1-1) and ascends straight to the middle of your palm to the Mount of Saturn then the Line of Sun (4-4) may be observed well marked, brilliance, luck and victory may present the Fate. Palmistry 101: A Beginners Guide To Reading Palms, 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. Even if they have to hand over some insignificant tasks to someone else, they will be deeply concerned and try to do personally. I should say that these areas are not strictly divided: these are just the general areas of the mounts. It is important to know our hand shape so you can identify were the mounts sit on your palm. Few people are there who have not possessed any Fate. Squares that cover a break in a line are a sign that youre protected. As some will know the earth signs are also seen in astrology again reinforcing the idea that astrology and palmistry are closely related. What is the meaning of window sign on Jupiter mount? So the deeper the fate line, the more drive a person has to improve themselves and make something of themselves. If you possess an island (3) in the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate then it may be a very bad indication to you. Its important to understand that the patterns on our palms change throughout a lifetime, and despite what a reading may tell you, only you are in charge of your own destiny. Mounts that are raised higher and firm to the touch indicate that it's an area that a person has a lot of potential in or is spending a lot of energy on. Is disappearing good or bad for a mole. This post and illustration teaches psychics how to read the future in the mount markings before you read the lines! THE LINE OF DESTINY AND ITS MODIFICATIONS. It is found that these kinds of people normally place their fondness on impossible persons or on those who are involved in conjugal relation or else who are not able to satisfy the love which people demands. If this date is observed then it may be most significant in your career. If the derivative ascends to the Mount of Mercury (8-8) then you may get the success in the field of commerce or science. Romance and some lucky circumstances may play vital role in your life. Men with a simian line are loyal, honest, capable and highly responsible and would rather deal with the difficulties on their own than have others intervene in their thinking and judgment. What does the Trident on Jupiters mount mean? What do the lines originating on Jupiters mount mean? A short life line doesnt mean an early death - it just means a lack of energy for the life laid out in front of them. Those you have a Sun/Mercury Mount will be natural born speakers and influencers. Located directly in the center of the palm, this key line unveils the lessons you need to learn during your lifetime. (Fig 15) You also have a habit of taking on responsibilities which are not your own and integrating them into your life. Mount is the area under the fingers and various other portions of the palm. Obviously, a normal mount is desirable and means that you are well balanced in this area. Here is what they mean for love, career and as positives and negatives for divination and fortune telling! Created Jan 2, 2012. Through her website, she teaches over 1 million yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle, not just an occasional practice. Typically, youre going to examine your non-dominant hand for insight into familial attributes, innate gifts, and challenges. If one part starts before the other edges then it indicates that you may feel the entire change in your surroundings. What is the meaning of overdeveloped Mount of Jupiter. Women with a simian line are career oriented and never inferior to men in work. Finding markings on your palm is sort of like looking through a Wheres Waldo book, and every time I look at my hand I always seem to find more! The Moon always stands alone, away from the fingers as the Moon stands away from Earth. If the line of control from the Mount of Moon does not mix with the Line of Fate or Line of Destiny (2-2) then it indicates that the life of other person may always stay different. To fully understand the heart line, the palm reader should take into account the minor lines like the girdle of Venus and the lines of affection on the side of the hand. It rules all matters of the heart, including sexuality, romance, commitment, and friendship. Email : As excess of qualities of Jupiter is fanatic, radical, revolutionary, extremist, bossism etc. If the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate is excessively obscure or only be drawn through your hand then it may denote that you may possess disbelief in the thought of Destiny or Fate. r/palmistry Rules. Here, you can find your level of creativity and read how well you make decisions. What do the lines on your hands mean? Divination and Fortune Telling, Tagged: palmistry, palm reading, divination, fortune telling, mounts between the fingers, meaning, meanings, beginners, mounts, jupiter, saturn, sun, mercury, Tarot Two. Mount of Mercury: The Mount of Mercury is just under the pinkie (Mercury)finger (green on image). Although they are mighty and have complaint to marriage, they can reduce the conflicts with a tolerant attitude and communication and make the bad luck to husband insignificant. This is because they have the ambition and desire to improve themselves and their lives. Its that old! I have written all about these in another article you can access by clicking here. Therefore, a Simian line that appears to be more like a heart line, will have no head line. Every detail of your hands has a meaning, so youre also going to want to observe whether or not your palms are smooth or rough, if your fingers are well-kempt or dirty, and if your nails have ridges or are flat and glossy. Energy healers believe that the hands are the hearts extensions, which hold the souls secrets. However, your hand sign may not relate to your astrological sign for example you can be a fire Aries in astrology, but you may have air hand shapes. The Line of Fate or the Line of Destiny (1-1) is one of the most significant lines in your hand. Mount of Venus: The Mount of Venus can be found below the thumb area in the lower third of the hand (black on image). In palmistry, there are negatives to having a Sun/Mercury Mount on your palm. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. Your email address will not be published. The Line of Fate or the Line of Destiny (1-1) is one of the most significant lines in your hand. (If you don't have merged mounts, check out our 'Palmistry Mounts for Beginner's' post!). Mount in palmistry is very important to study for indepth Palmistry analysis. Qualities associated with the mount of Jupiter as follows. Are you interested in learning more about palm reading lines, palmistry mounts, or getting a hand reading? The mounts are the fleshy soft areas on the palm, they play a big role in the art of palm reading. The chiromantic art traveled to China, Persia, Tibet, Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Greece, where the practice was substantially developed. Fish sign on mount of Jupiter. There are seven mounts on the palms, and they are synonymous with the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Forget about what youve seen in the movies. Mount weakness and prominence reflects how you express the feelings related to that mount. In the middle is your vertical wisdom line, and finally, the lifeline stretches down to your wrist diagonally. Have you learned anything surprising about yourself from reading your palm? If you look on the picture above you will see things called mounts. If an island is observed on the Heart Line and Fate Line then it denotes that you may incur loss for your stupidity or lack of prudence (6). If this is the case, then you can treat mounts you are drawn to has having lots of energy and read it as if it is prominent. The life line tends to go around this mount. A psychic wearing a gold cap giving ominous messages about the future? Learning palmistry, wondering what merged mounts mean? Those with earth hands are grounded, practical, reliable, and logical. Also, they are affectionate, especially to love and the opposite sex, and will do the best to win the favor of the other. Sometimes, this Mount reflects your loyalty to others and general confidence. We respect your privacy. At least 4 more strong travel lines, 2 before age 35 and 2 more by 45. Inner Mars is all about how you assert yourself physically; your level of physical ability and physical aggression can be found here. When it comes to reading palms, the hand is also important: palmistry notes that the left hand is congenital information, whilst the right hand is postnatal information. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. The head line is critical in molding your fate, and its a snapshot into your keenest interests and intellectual pursuits on a deep cerebral level. Whats more, its not about fate as in irreversible, unchangeable destiny. It is not that you believe that love is shown with material things; you just want to see the smile on your lovers face. Its length doesnt necessarily speak of how intelligent we are, but of how many interests we have - its arc and depth describe the strength of the mind. If youre interested in divination, you can download my free Tarot for Beginners Guide on this website! Other than anything spiritual, The Mount of Moon can also reflect your sense of individuality and reveals how independent they are. For some people, the head line and the heart line overlap into a single line, which is called the Simian Line, Simian Crease or Single Transverse Palmar Crease. However, theres also the option to only read your left hand for the former and the latters right hand regardless of dominance. On the other hand, a deeper line suggests the owner may become impatient with individuals who tire easily, unable to understand that not everyone has their energy! If the Line of Destiny seems to be ended by the Heart Line then you career may be destructive. If you see breaks, that could indicate that youve had numerous lovers or were unfaithful. Call / WhatsApp on +919825470377. There are some people also who seem to shape their Fate or Destiny from day after day. Learning palmistry, wondering what merged mounts mean? Sharpening of skills is on a day to day basis its not happening like one day we sharpen and another day we dont work on our skills. Therefore, a Simian line that appears to be more like a heart line, will have no head line. Noticed mine are slightly in between fingers and not directly below them. Theyre likely to have a sharp intuition maybe even a psychic ability. It can hint to our integrity and the persons capacity to deal with lifes changes, both negative and positive. Its length, depth, and position vary. Sometimes, this are also reveals your level headedness (or lack of!). The prevailing notion is that the rare lines and signs on ones palm are indicative of the most favourable outcomes. If the Line of Destiny or Life of Fate climbs to your palm without any branch and goes like a solitary way to the Mount of Saturn then you may be a child of Destiny chained to an iron path of situations. The Mount of Apollo represents happiness, success, and disposition. Spirituality does not mean only praying or with magical power. Before we jump into weakness and prominent mounts, lets first look at the general location and meaning of each mount: Mount of Jupiter: The Mount of Jupiter appears below your index finger (pink on image) and is concerned with your level of drive and energy levels. Even fingerprints are vital as we each have a unique set. Situated beneath the ring finger, this area of the hand coincides with ones vitality, character, and optimism. Mount of The Sun: The Mount of the Sun (sometimes called Apollo) can be found under the ring finger (purple on image). You are very loyal to those you love. In traditional palmistry, women with a simian line are believed to have bad luck to husband as they are highly independent and capable, don't like to be swayed by destiny and have the resistance against tradition and rebellious spirit. Below is the location of each of the 7 planetary mounts and the features that they help us read about a person: This mount gets its name from the sun god and is located at the base of the ring finger. If the Fate Line ends at a zippy along with a cross then you may expect a fatality. Lisa publishes the daily digest, Divinerism Daily, where she gives her subscribers tips for developing their spiritual practices. All rights reserved. What is the meanings of the diagonal lineon Jupiters mount? They often indicate success in a career, enhanced psychic abilities, and an ability to understand situations quickly. The mounts correspond to major event in our lives and can help tell the story of our future. For example, too many lines on Mercury mount overworks the mind. You would also shine if you were in a position which meant you were influencing others. To be a truly good Destiny Line or Fate Line it must not be marked so deeply but to mark it distinctly and clearly and comes with the Line of Sun in any form. administration skills, how to administer its understanding. When reading your palm, you are going to read how prominent your mounts are compared to each other. If your hand does not contain a Line of Destiny or Line of Fate and just contain only a normal Line of Head then there is not anything specific to say about your Fate or Destiny. The heart line is the first line on your right hand, closest to the beginning of your fingers and vertical. All rights reserved. Rounded, slightly raised mounts signify . What does the presence or absence of lines on Jupiters mount imply? What does it mean if someone has no head line in the left palm? Of course, fractures arent a green light for infidelity or promiscuity. Neither anything affects you nor may you be affected on anything. By doing so, you can build a complete picture of a persons life and character. Click here to learn more about the head line and the areas of the headline. Divination and Fortune Telling, Tagged: palmistry, palm reading, beginners, learning, mounts, jupiter, saturn, sun, mercury, mars, venus, moon, Tarot Two. The first recorded palmistry system in China appeared in 206 BC. Together with the fate line, you can gain insight into the level of success you can achieve. They often feel fleshy, firm, and solid. The first thing to look at in palmistry when we are focusing on mounts is the shape of the hand in relation to the fourearth elements. When the Line of Destiny or Line of Fate does not climb to the usual place of Mount of Saturn and goes to the other Mount then the entire effort of your life may be traced with whatsoever characteristic that specific Mount indicates. Palmistry Mounts and Plains . They will have a very weak or non-existent fate line. Mount can be of various shapes, sizes . What does the Square on Jupiters mount mean? It can also be associated with our adaptability, sense of humor as well as our social skills. If an island is situated on the Mount of Saturn or to the finishing of the Destiny Line (5) then it predicts that your career may end in misery and poverty. Below are the three different mounts: This is seen at the base of the forefinger and above the inner mars mount. Has it changed? Itchy hands? Contents of website is Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2022) not to be reproduced without permission. The simian line is commonly seen among those who are highly loyal and dedicated to work and make great achievements. There are elements that occur on the life line like dots, stars, forks, stars, fish and lot are more. The folds and creases you see are referred to as lines and are used to unravel future events. In this year you may declare your liberty and do what you long for. You should leave the final outcome to the lord who thinks fit to employ you in the jobs. When observing hand lines, remember context is everything. No Head line The total absence of a head [], Yog, or a combination of lines or markings on the hand, is a term used in palmistry to describe traits or occurrences in a persons life. If you run your own business, you shine on social media. That is all for the meanings of the mounts in Palmistry and palm reading! This line is malleable, meaning it is constantly changing. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: is for Entertainment Purposes ONLY and is not qualified to give Medical, Legal or Financial Advice, and takes no responsibility for individual interpretations. An avid Tarot reader from the age of 7, Lisa believes that divination should be effortless, personalised, and meaningful. There are 4 basic hand shapes: Earth, fire, air and water. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. 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