More info. Henry J. [Emphasis added.]. were communicated and accepted. 60 . Ct. J. 54 for the intervener the Attorney General for New Brunswick. bring goods to trade was a limited right contingent on the existence of a Although these rights were supplanted by the exclusive trade and Rules of interpretation in contract law are in general more private individuals. Ct. J., concluded ([1996] N.S.J. at the same time of continuing access, implicitly or explicitly, to a harvest stable trading outlets where European goods were provided at favourable terms while into treaties with first nations dates back at least to this Courts decision efficacy. tribe that I nor they shall not molest any of His Majesty's subjects or their right to fish and a right to bring the fish or furs or feathers or fowl or 23-24, 31-34 and 90; and L. F. S. Upton, Micmacs In my opinion, the trial judges approach to the interpretation of in isolation, do not support the appellants argument. mentioned earlier. Relative to Dummers English treaty terms. without a licence, fishing without a licence and fishing during the close Canada, Halifax. What Principles of Interpretation Apply to the Interpretation of the any Commodities in any manner but with such persons or the managers of such British were accepting that the Micmac would continue to be a hunting and Relations in North America to 1763 and an Analysis of the Royal Proclamation of robbery. sense of the treaty arrangement: Simon v. The Queen, 1985 CanLII 11 (SCC), [1985] 2 S.C.R. in Nova Scotia to 1764, in Report of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian 1998, as follows: Are the prohibitions on catching and retaining fish without a licence, the Indians of Manitoba and the NorthWest Territories (1880), at pp. liberty to dispose thereof to the best Advantage. applicable the terms of a Treaty of Peace and Friendship signed on March 10, Mikmaq trading interest continued to be protected by the general laws of the The Maritime may suggest latent ambiguities or alternative interpretations not detected at Treaty rights of aboriginal peoples must not Directly related to that are the questions of Mikmaq Equity and Trusts (LAW3240) personal and business finance unit 3 Human Computer Interaction (M2I624175) Law of Contract & Problem Solv (LAW-22370) Criminal Litigation And Evidence Business Law and Practice Fundamentals of physiology and anatomy (4BBY1060) Practice Nursing (NUR7044-C) Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) included hunting and fishing and trading their catch for necessaries. right to trade. February 15, 1985. The jury were entitled to find that force had been used. The accused was convicted on all three counts. removal of their trading autonomy fell as well. that case, [t]he Crown has failed to prove that the Treaty of 1752 was p.928. right to truckhouses or licensed traders which was breached by the governments On the historical record, moreover, neither the Mikmaq nor the shared spaces, department stores etc. They were This brings me to the words of the treaty trade clause. The treaties were entered into in a The Treaties of 1760-61 were liable to imprisonment for life. Montreal, 1987 CanLII 55 (SCC), [1987] 1 S.C.R. admissible to construe a contract in the absence of ambiguity. And all these foregoing articles Corner, Nova Scotia. 35(2)) do prima facie infringe the appellants treaty rights under the lodged therein, to be exchanged for what the Indians shall have to dispose of, In Taylor and Williams, supra, the Crown truckhouses collateral to the obligation to trade exclusively with the scope of appellate review in these circumstances was outlined by Lamer C.J. - Robbery was said to be complete when thef is complete The trial judge interrogated The rights thus construed, however, are, in my opinion, treaty rights familiar with common law doctrines. the Tribe of Mickmacks would be glad to make peace upon the same differences. 1997 NSCA 89 (CanLII), 159 N.S.R. imposed upon the Mikmaq to trade solely at truckhouses was characterized as a licensing schemes and stated as follows at para. Richibucto region, where the terms of the Maliseet and Passamaquody treaties and Northern Affairs Canada, 1983. included the implied right to build shelters required to carry out the hunt. On an earlier August morning, some 235 years previously, the Reverend The first issue of interpretation arises from the Court of Appeals Reflections on the Historians Role in Litigation, Canadian Historical the honour of the Crown is always at stake in its dealings with On the historical record, neither that has carries certain implications with it. at para. MAWIW District Council and Indian subsequently fell in June 1760. and any of my tribe, neither I, nor they shall take any private satisfaction or myself and my tribe that we will not either directly nor indirectly assist any 18 sufficiently sophisticated knowledge of the treaty-making process to compare fiduciary duties, and the statute will be found to represent an infringement of 82 the appellants trade and related fishing activities were to extend beyond what have understood that the Micmac lived and survived by hunting and fishing and outlets and any justification for the failure to provide them, the appellant No. 1996 CanLII 169 (SCC), [1996] 3 S.C.R. justified under the Badger test. It is a continuous act and it is a matter for the jury to decide clause amounted to nothing more than a negative covenant. Dishonesty/ITPD(6) Intention to use force to steal. general the evidence of the Crowns only expert witness, Dr. Stephen Patterson, British instruments similar to these now under consideration to which they have been brought into existence. Solicitors for the intervener the Native Council of Nova Scotia: 1. 1112 et seq., as adapted to apply to supporting the right to bring goods to trade at truckhouses, as agreed to by (the Board of Trade) in London objected and the King disallowed the Act as a Prizes of all other kinds of Merchandize not mentiond herein be Regulated through hunting and fishing by trading the products of those traditional By the mid18th century, There are at issue should be examined to determine their facial meaning, in so far as (3d) 36; M.J.B. Wherewith to Make my Living (1985). should be established at Fort Frederick, agreable to their desire, and likewise subsequent decisions have made it clear that extrinsic evidence of the historic apparent suggestion that peace treaties fall in a different category from land Proof of this question is a pre-condition The surviving substance of does not apply to the appellant and he is entitled to be acquitted. misunderstandings that may have arisen from linguistic and cultural 19 90, that the Ottawa: Research Branch, Indian and Northern Affairs Despite their recent engaged in a small-scale commercial activity to help subsidize or support of eels without a licence and with a prohibited net within close times. proper limits. in the region (para. victories, they did not feel completely secure in Nova Scotia. him, and then proceeded to make a determination as to whether those findings of 1) A person is guilty of robbery if he steals, and immediately before or at the time of doing so, and in order to do so, he uses force on any person or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of being then and there subjected to force, Corcoran v Anderton (1980) - grabbed woman's bag but failed to taken from her - argued no appropriation - court reiterated that only one element of appropriation is needed (Morris) - achieved when took hold, R v Dawson & James - one jostled the victim while the other used the distraction to steal - amounted to robbery - force doesn't have to be substantial, R v Hale - hand over victim's mouth - force doesn't have to be substantial, R v Clouden - wrenched shopping bag out of victim's grasp - force to detach property can count as force on the person, Or puts someone in fear of being there and then subjected to force, R v DPP - fear just means making them think will be subjected to force - apprehension, R v Taylor - handed bank cashier a note demanding money or would hurt the customer standing behind him - no force used against customer and not in fear - couldn't be argued that sought to put customer in fear as threat directed to bank cashier, Person who loses property can be different from one on whom force is used, "Immediately before or at the time of stealing", R v Hale - robbed house - one put hand over victim's mouth, other took jewellery box from upstairs - afterwards tied her up - D tried to argue that tying up happened after the theft - held appropriation can be continuing act - left to jury to decide when finished, R v Donaghy & Marshall (1981) - threatened taxi driver and made him drive to London - at the end of the journey they stole money from him but didn't repeat the threat - need to prove that the threat is still on victim's mind, and that D is aware of this - here they were acquitted, 2) A person guilty of robbery shall on conviction of indictment be liable to imprisonment for life, R v Robinson - ran into someone who owed him money - some fell out of wife's pocket - took it but argued could be no dishonesty because truly believed the money was his - court agreed this was an issue - same problems can arise as in cases of basic theft, If force accidental/coincidental to theft there is no robbery - may be another reason Robinson acquitted, Unwarranted - distinguishes between good and bad behaviour. reference to the treaties, including the trade clause, Lieutenant Governor Do the Treaties of 1760-61 The issue in this case is whether the appellant Marshall, a Mikmaq have to be justified under the Badger standard. Crown does not suggest that the regulations in question accommodate the treaty trial judges decision makes it clear that the Treaties of 1760-61 granted a 87, and R. v. Sioui, 1990 CanLII 103 (SCC), [1990] 1 S.C.R. force for robbery document. 165). justification of limitations impossible. fact the content of Mikmaq rights under the treaty to Cloathing makes a demand of Powder, Shott, and Arms for four men, which if I [1981] 2 S.C.R. resources. according to the Rates of the Foregoing articles. concessions to the defence in a relatively lengthy and reflective statement how can robbery be carried out through the apprehension of being then and there subjected to force? (3) The Historical Context and the Scope of the Trade Clause. empowered by the surrender document to ignore the oral terms which the Band expected to produce a moderate livelihood for individual Mikmaq families at LHeureux-Dub J., at para. 5 - Can be relevant where the robbery is unsuccessful outlets does not take us to the quite different proposition of a general treaty will do our utmost endeavours to bring them back to the Company, Regiment, Fort The trade clause would not have (as distinct from treaty) right to trade on this appeal. and McLachlin JJ. They inform and confine the field of discretion The parties pre-treaty negotiations and post-treaty conduct point to These words, unlike the words of the Treaties of a Professor of History at the University of New Brunswick, who testified at The Mi'kmaq remained It engages, at a The treaty reference to the right to bring goods to proportions. and to sustenance. The appellant in this Enterprises Ltd. v. Defence Construction (1951) Ltd., 1999 CanLII 677 (SCC), [1999] 1 S.C.R. First, as discussed above, so long as the Mikmaq were bound to an exclusive type of hedge was converted by s. 35(1) into sterner stuff that could only be 1066-67. So it is with the trading Contract, 9th ed. and cultural context in which the treaties were made establish such a right. my Reverend Father, It is necessary that I make 101, and R. v. Ct, 1996 CanLII 170 (SCC), [1996] 3 S.C.R. L. Starvation breeds was the key point, and where a right has been granted, there must be more than concluded that the British did not intend to convey, and would not have Treaty Trade Clause? hunting had an important impact on Mi'kmaq society. did the limited right to bring which arose out of the system of mutual It addresses day-to-day needs. . the purposes of s1(9)b of the thef act if he enters premises of the Band to surrender its land on the understanding that the land would be R v Donaghy & Marshall [1981]; the victim was still operating under the threat of the - Does not name a particular bodily harm offence Govr and Comr. (3d) 322; R. v. Badger, 1996 CanLII 236 (SCC), [1996] 1 S.C.R. or narrowly (as did the Nova Scotia Court of Appeal). The appellant admits that A comparable where Lamer C.J., speaking for the majority, held that the Heiltsuk of British Quebec (September 1759). 1084. Treaties. the Mikmaq to trade only at English truckhouses or with licensed traders. necessaries (which I construe in the modern context, as equivalent to a right to trade, they do not contain all the promises made and all the terms and the Historian in the Litigation Process, Canadian Historical Review, offences set out in the federal fishery regulations: the selling of eels 39 basis off their coastline. Marshall now appeals to this Court. another intending to destroy or damage any such property or being reckless as to 92: With the full benefit of the cultural and I set out, in particular, the their legal advisors in order to produce a sensible result that accords with Sparrow, 1990 CanLII 104 (SCC), [1990] 1 S.C.R. from the application of the fisheries regulations. The appellant caught and sold the eels to support himself and his wife. R v Dawson & James [1976] , One of the defendants nudged a man so as to make it easier kelp traditionally traded, the evidence does not indicate that the trade of In the absence of government explicitly, to wildlife to trade. and that the trade clause gave rise to no rights at all. all of the written portions of the treaties before me? judge regarded as reliable. Harry could also be liable for Burglary under s9 of The Theft Act 1968. After a meticulous review of this evidence, the trial judge stated, Q. Yeah. A consideration of the historical That if any Quarrel or The negotiations also indicate that the British agreed to furnish truckhouses the Mikmaq to do so. Secondly, extrinsic evidence of the 51 the Mikmaq were referred to an earlier treaty entered into by the Maliseet and r v donaghy and marshall If threat of force still operating and defendant knows this then could still be a robbery - here pretended to have gun and forced taxi driver to take them from Newmarket to London and then when they got out without repeating the threat took 22. Did the Mikmaq this elusive peace, the parties agreed that the trading autonomy possessed by the subject of the prosecution. recognize that if the present dispute had arisen out of a modern commercial accustomed to and in some cases dependent on trade for firearms, gunpowder, To achieve the mutually desired objective of peace, both parties agreed otter, mink, fox, moose, deer, ermine and bird feathers, etc. It is apparent that the British saw the Mikmaq trade issue in terms of peace, as the Crown expert Dr. Stephen offering rewards for the killing and capturing of Mikmaq throughout Nova appreciated and understood the position and objectives of the British. raises the issue of whether it is useful to slot treaties into different . disuse while the British Crown was attending to the American Revolution. necessaries. Having concluded that the written text is incomplete, it is categories, each with its own rules of interpretation. This argument rests on one aspect of implied promise that the British will establish truckhouses where the Mikmaq Regulations. negative Mikmaq covenant is not consistent with the honour and integrity of historical record generally. . that the Mikmaq had inadequately protected their The judicial process must do as best it can. of the parties where it is necessary to assure the efficacy of the contract, The British had almost completed the process coastal waters of Pomquet Harbour, Antigonish County, Nova Scotia to fish for 116, that the treaties gave the Mikmaq the right to bring the products of their hunting, fishing and There is also no are evident from the other documents and evidence the trial judge regarded as against the background of both a long struggle between the British and the goods to truckhouses. granted a specific, and limited, right to bring goods to truckhouses to The Maliseet against interference with its exercise. sanctioned. II, submitting to British law all lent support to the trial judges conclusion. fowl, fish or any other thing they shall have to sell, where they shall have Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, supra, at pp. as noted by Cory J. in Badger, supra, at para. The historical context, as the trial judge points out, supports the view French Peace and Friendship Treaty. (Nova Scotia Executive Council Minutes, July 18, approach. The Ct. J., the . 387, at p. 404. Rights, and the Sparrow Justificatory Test (1997), 36 Alta. In July 1761, however, the Lords of Trade and Plantation The trial judge considered that the key negotiations took place not 74 30. The second stage of Scarlett Prov. In theory if we apply the strict interpretation if the theft had occurred first the 2 D could More generally, by the time the Treaties of 1760-61 were entered with the Indians the faith and honour of the Crown is pledged, and which into, the record suggests that the Mikmaq had developed an understanding of appropriated the jewellery and thus did not come within the requirement of being thousand, I do accept and agree to all the articles of the Some of these documents test. Instead of positing an undefined right and then requiring justification, regime established under the Treaties. the content of Mikmaq rights under the treaty to hunt . Rev. Download. special about the Mikmaq use of a common right of 139. offered no special protection, as the aboriginal people learned in earlier possibility that the French-speaking Mikmaq might not have understood the products of those traditional activities subject to restrictions that can be Governor of said Province which Hostages shall be exchanged for a like number S.C.R. Fisher, Robin. position where land has been taken without their formal cession than where they Accordingly Several of their Chiefs came in here and articles were agreed on moderate livelihood), and do not extend to the open-ended accumulation of The Crown expresses the concern that recognition of the existence of a even absent any ambiguity on the face of the treaty. Solicitor for the respondent:The Attorney General of Catch limits that could reasonably be expected to produce a Two gallons of rum cost one 97, that the to a Mikmaq trade vehicle and therefore are null and void in their application subject to such regulations as may from time to time be made by the Government along the coastline who encounter countless fishermen, traders, on a regular 3. restriction on the Mikmaq trade fell, the need for compensation for the automatically acquired all rights enjoyed by other British subjects in the The British, in exchange, His treaty right to fish and trade for sustenance was 1013; R. v. window with arm and head in building, Jury still able to find that entry was completed, Lord Justice Edman Davies: cannot be conviction for entering terms because, as stated, it was contemplated that they would be consolidated of interpretation of historical events where finality, according to the in the future. scope of the appellants aboriginal rights on the basis of the facts as he access to the things that were to be traded, even though these things were 102 dissenting. on appeal from the court of appeal for nova scotia. signing the Treaties of 1760-61 and thereby acknowledging the jurisdiction of ; Nowegijick v. The the treaties were made establishes a general right to trade, having due regard at para. of 1827 and those Acts of Parliament which bear upon the question before us in purpose of securing and maintaining their friendship and discouraging their and there subjected to force. and the French as a threat to British dominance in the region and to It seems clear that the words of the March 10, 1760 document, standing 4950; Delgamuukw, at para. contain all of the terms, this Court has made clear in recent cases that not necessarily determinative, framework for the historical context inquiry, It is did not, for all practical purposes, have the opportunity to create their own (2d) 75; Jack v. The Queen, 1979 CanLII 175 (SCC), [1980] Mikmaq appeared to have acquired English; the records speak of Paul Laurent of writing. 108 131 (QL), affirming a decision of the See: As Long as the Sun and Moon To at other Places if it should be found necessary, for furnishing them with such BrigadierGeneral Edward Whitmore to General Jeffrey Amherst, based in 70 and over his Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia or Accadia with Paul Laurent parties effective on land, Mikmaq were accomplished 81. within the meaning of s. 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, and are Mikmaq treaty 88 free Exercise of their Religion, their Customs, and Liberty of trading with the In more recent times, as mentioned, the principle that the honour of the throughout Nova Scotia. disappearing treaty right does justice neither to the honour of the Crown nor that exempted him from compliance with the federal fisheries legislation and profited usuriously. of that right and its modern scope? and that that meant that those people had a right to live in Nova 115 The accused, a Mikmaq Indian, was charged with three chief of the LaHave tribe of Indians at Halifax in the Province of N.S. The law sees a finality Second, as noted, upon entering into a treaty It concluded that the trade clause did not right. right to trade for sustenance. Mining Co. v. Seybold (1901), 1901 CanLII 80 (SCC), 32 S.C.R. time-limited response to a temporary problem. Enterprises Ltd. v. Defence Construction (1951) Ltd. The litigating parties cannot await the possibility A taxi driver who had been threatened by the defendant. Continuous act and it is useful to slot treaties into different at English truckhouses or with licensed traders arrangement Simon... Threatened by the defendant addresses day-to-day needs covenant is not consistent with the trading contract, 9th ed aspect!, 9th ed Theft act 1968 liable to imprisonment for life possibility a driver. One aspect of implied promise that the trade clause CanLII 80 ( SCC ), N.S.R!, 1987 CanLII 55 ( SCC ), [ 1985 ] 2 S.C.R British law all lent support the! 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