Therefore, the Adnanites are descendants of Abraham. Unfortunately, both nations rejected their prophets. [20] The Arabs of the caliphate accommodated many new tribes in isolated areas to avoid conflict with the locals; caliph Uthman ordered his governor, Muawiyah I, to settle the new tribes away from the original population. They boasted of their physical strength, and power; they thought that this would protect them from Allh's punishment. (2). ** For what purpose is the tale of 'd and Thamd? He said, "My people, worship God. See the video here (arabic):, Me however I lean towards that Madain Saleh is not the place for the Quranic Thamud like Dr Thiaeb (linguist of ancient arabic and archeologist) has been repeatedly saying at least since 1995, because among other reasons that Madain Saleh lacks all the marks of Gods wrath, the earth quake levelling Thamud etc. God then destroyed the tribe, except for Salih and a few other righteous men. and make your home on the heights, The Aad and Thamud were both located in the northwestern part of modern day Saudi Arabia near the border of Jordan. The tribes of Ad and Thamud were ancient people who existed on the Arabian Peninsula many centuries ago and were recipients of the Prophets Hud and Salih, respectively. As menitoned earlier, the Aad were a strong, brutish, and conquering people. Allah does not want wrong for the servants. [ Qur'an and Suhih Sunnah - Islamic Knowledge ]. And Ad and Thamud-it must be clear to you from their dwelling places! Allah mentions how there were actually nine families that pretty much ran everything in this society. The hadith reports the prophet (pbuh) as having passed Median Saleh and described the ruins as their dwellings referring to the Thamud. Ignore the entire thing and continue to spread their deception and lies. Theyre mentioned in 25:38 and 50:12. Q.28:58 is general: And how many a city have We destroyed that was insolent in its [way of] living, and those are their dwellings which have not been inhabited after them except briefly. you who live in the clefts of the rocks, you will be utterly despised. Asalam Alie Kum that that Thamud did it then the edomites took over then the nabteaons but all I know is that Thamud existed before 3000 bc so 3000 bc is probably when they were destroyed then the edomites revamped them made them look new then the nabteaons did the same and I believe the tribe of ad was destroyed weather 5-8 thousand bc and I believe noahs flood was around the ending off the ice age what was between 10-13 thousand bc became the population of the world was only 1 million at 10 thousand bc and no more than 20 million people at 5000 bc what makes stuff interesting but as a side note if the quran does say that noahs people was the first to commit shirk then ad then thamud but none at the same time or between then thamud had to come before 9000 bc so that was when they would be destroyed because the gobeki tepe was built then and that was definitely pagan shirk but this is my opion but thanks, And of course ad was the descendents of noah and thamud was the descendents of ad. Furthermore, their prophets, Hud and Salih, are often considered two fo the four Arab prophets that Allah sent to mankind. Thus, there was a latter 'Ad as well, whom some exegetes considered the people of Thamud. A little later, Pliny, the Elder (d. 79 AD), a Roman historian, while writing hisNatural History,mentions theThamudaei5 a people dominant in Hegra, adjoining the Nabataeans. Thamud used to carve out rocks in the valley So, basically during the time of the Prophet (), their remains were not on the surface and only some of them were visible. Having failed to save his people, Salih warned that they would be destroyed after three days. [18], On the eve of the Rashidun Caliphate's conquest of the Levant, 634 AD, Syria's population mainly spoke Aramaic; Greek was the official language of administration. Nigel Groom said that Sargon II recorded his subjugations of the tribe of Tamud in 715 BCE, that Agatharchides refers to the land of the Thamoudenian Arabs, Diodorus Sicilus refers to the Thamudeni, Pliny speaks of the Tamudaei, Ptolemy mentioned the Thamudiatea and also the Thamydeni and a Nabatean inscription dated to 166-169 CE refers to the nation or federation of the Thamudeans.[3][4]. Seriously? About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Hence, they didnt engage in long, drawn out debates with Hud. 2. [7][8] In a somewhat muddled passage, Pliny the Elder, a Roman historian of the first century CE, appears to locate the Thamd at the unidentified inland town of "Baclanaza". They were scientists and technicians and craftsmen, so they wanted conclusive proof. Did the Prophet try to execute a man without proof? One Who missed the Friday Prayer should pray Zuhr: Moving the Finger in Tashahhud : Fatwa Collection_ 40 short hadiths filled with wisdom. Arabization and Islamization of Syria began in the 7th century, and it took several centuries for Islam, the Arab identity, and language to spread;[19] the Arabs of the caliphate did not attempt to spread their language or religion in the early periods of the conquest, and formed an isolated aristocracy. And indeed we do, but with an unexpected twist! According to Saudi-archeology website, an academic website aimed at archiving the rock images and providing archeological information on them, the structure may have been used for holding sacred feasts. We have a good perspective of the size of these supposed tombs in this picture, as the faade has been destroyed. Archeologists have put these ruins from the first century BCE and the first century CE. Assalamualaikum I dont believe 27:50-53 is necessarily referring to their houses existing at the time of the Prophet SAW when they tell us to behold the sign therein. I dont know and this is a good aspect of the Quran; it does not go into such things and instead instructs us to focus on the message and not the nitty gritty. The Aad before them were pretty decent architects and built some fairly magnificent castles. I dont understand this question and how it is relevant to our topic at hand. On the first day, their skin would turn yellow; on the second day, red; and on the final day of destruction, black. It does not imply that they were carved by members of the ancient tribe of Thamd. Archaeological sites So, in summary, The Quran makes a claim that in a particular time in history, a people known as Thamud built structures on the hills and mountains. In the Nabataean period, several impressive facades were carved into the hills outside al-Hijr, between the 1st century BC and 1st century AD. [28] A large Arab migration to Mesopotamia followed the Muslim conquest of Mesopotamia in 634, which saw an increase in the culture and ideals of the Bedouins in the region. It makes it specific but is not related to time. Point by Ismail about the order of the messengers from earliest to latest also is something to ponder over and maybe the people of the Hijr are different from the Thamud. However, while I agree that these two groups are certainly predecessors to modern Arabs, Im not convinced that Hud, Salih, Shuayb, and Ismail were actually Arabs.. There is a popular historical show in Saudi Arabia with Eid Al-Yahya where they visit the area of Madain Saleh and he definitely makes a credible case showing that Madain Saleh has indications of being built by Thamud, but being used and completed by the Nabateans. Ive discussed this more below. So they used to carve and not they still carve. During this time, the Nabateans built structures out of rock throughout their Kingdom, The buildings are not homes but are actually tombs, The inscriptions in al-Hijr are not those made by Thamud , At 26 instances in the Quran Thamud are mentioned by name and in none of those contexts they have been called People of al-Hijr, Where the carvings done by Thamud are mentioned the place of it is also mentioned, Quran 89:9 where the places is mentioned as al-Wad which means Wad lQura, The carvings made by the people of al-Hijr are mentioned in 15:82 and the people of al-Hijr is a title of the Nabateans. As for option 2, we know next to nothing about the Thamud. The Thamud (Arabic: , romanized:amd) were an ancient Arabian tribe or tribal confederation[1] that occupied the northwestern Arabian peninsula between the late-eighth century BCE, when they are attested in Assyrian sources, and the fifth century CE, when they served as Roman auxiliaries. Replying by always staying what is the problem or what is the issue seems to have a rebuking or shaming tone that appears very harsh to the questioner. Allah sent the Prophet Hud to give the Aad the message of Islam. Khawiya seems to mean destroyed/overturned but the term could possibly mean ruined too. Aad and Thamud are two of several communities described in the Quran as recipients of Gods chosen prophets and being utterly destroyed for rejecting them. (29:38) If they turn away, then say, I warn you of a lightning-bolt like the lightning-bolt of Ad and of Thamud. And as for Aad, they were destroyed by a screaming violent windstorm which Allah imposed on them for seven days and eight nights straight. Doesnt 14:45 talk about there dwellings were standing tall untouched, If you could get back to me that would be great jazzakkallah, 14. Another inscription from the same temple mentions Aad by name, and reads, by Ghawth son of Aslah son of Thokam and he constructed the temple of Allt, of the people of Ad. Im also inclined to believe that these nine families were the direct descendents of those believers who escaped the land of the Aad with Hud. Seeking blessings from relics of the righteous? For the town in Yemen, see, sfn error: no target: CITEREFEph'al1984 (, "Al-Hijr Archaeological Site (Madin Slih)",, This page was last edited on 11 January 2023, at 16:00. I believe carving out structures in hills and mountains may have been a common practice within the ancient Arabia and its surroundings based on both the Biblical and Quranic accounts. Thirdly, the hadith you quoted isnt the only hadith on the topic. They could either mean that we can see the remains and consider the signs and warnings or theyre giving HISTORICAL lessons and portents for us to take note. You would only make my loss greater. the fate and remains of past generations with our eyes bcuz verse 25:37 speaks about the people of Nuh AS and it tells us that Allah SWT left a sign for mankind. Are these tourist sites now identified at Madian Saleh the same as those we see discussed in the saheeh ahadith during the Tabuk expedition or is that a different location because these sites are identified as built by Nabataens and not Thamud and are considered much later than Thamud people (if we consider the finds to be absolutely authentic that these are Nabataens who built them. [Qur'an . He said, "My people, just think: if I did have clear proof from my Lord, and if He had given me mercy of His own, who could protect me from God if I disobeyed Him? Under the Umayyad Caliphate, Arabic became the official language in Egypt rather than Coptic or Greek. They mainly settled in the Hauran region and spread to modern Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan. Some sources say the time period of the Thamud, as mentioned in the Quran, was about four generations after the Aad. Yes, I understood but if you read my comment, youll see that this problem is addressed. The story of musa (muses) a.s. _ Magic and Illusi Suhih Muslim _ Book of "End of the World", Who is Musa a.s. (Moses) ? And you said the nabteons built over them so if they built over them all then how could the prophet see them or the quran describe them when they were built over by them and by the time the prophet came because the nabateans came before jazzakkallah, But these are the last 5 questions and thats it sorry to keep bothering you it is that Im getting all the information I can so if Im ever questioned then I can answer them jazzakkallah, Sorry just 2 more but thats it most of these questions are yes or no We must look at them, ponder over the signs of Allah and take heed. As for now, we dont know. what enemy, ever so warlike and powerful, will venture to invade my land, or besiege me in my strong hold? The Quran does not make any claim about the historicity of specific sites, but rather enjoins the believers to reflect upon the many ruins of idolatrous societies throughout Arabia as a lesson in the futility of disobedience to Allah. I hope the Christians, after having read this, will decide to do whats ethical and moral. Thank you for answering my questions thanks I just have 2 more questions then Im done then ill leave it jazzakkallah Its almost impossible to know for certain that the many tombs with Nabatean inscriptions are indeed constructed by them, especially when we know that only 15% of the area in Petra has been excavated and examined. Thamd, li, al-ijr, Gods She-camel, Arabia and the Arabs by Robert Hoyland, Professor of Late Antique and Early Islamic Middle Eastern History at New York Universitys Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, pg 68. and the pride of your heart have deceived you, It is argued that the Quran and the Prophet () made an error in history and facts[1]. The following commentary on the verses from Obadiah, found in, is rather revealing. Objection number 2 is not a major problem once we consider the various factors involved. I am also writing an text on this that I inshaAllah will put up online. According to the Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia (OCIANA) at the University of Oxford: Thamudic is a name invented by nineteenth-century scholars for large numbers of inscriptions in ANA alphabets which have not yet been properly studied. 1. Al-ijr is now a vast plain, interspersed with hills into which what looks from the outside like houses or tombs have been carved. Long before the Roman empire, before Alexanders conquests, even before the great Persian monarchs, there were the Assyrians lords of much of the Middle East, and archetypes of almost every empire that came after them. Also what time do you think noah ad and thamud came. Are you telling us to change our religion from our fathers relgion? The calamity must have been fairly extensive in area and intense in the terror it inspired for it is described as a single mighty blast, the sort of terror inspiring noise which accompanies all big earthquakes.. They said, "li, We used to have such great hope in you. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [5] In 1846, many Arab Rashaida migrated from Hejaz in present-day Saudi Arabia into what is now Eritrea and north-east Sudan after tribal warfare had broken out in their homeland. A. Yusuf Ali wrote: The Thamud people were destroyed by a dreadful earthquake which threw them prone on the ground and buried them with their houses and their fine buildings., A terrible earthquake came and buried the people [of Thamud] and destroyed their boasted civilization. I am sure that is not the intention but it may appear like that. Also, 28:40 is referring to Pharaoh and the verse tells us to BEHOLD how Allah SWT dealt with him without us being present to see it. If not, then why do we need to find the remains of Thamud? [24] The major migration to the region by Arab tribes was in the 11th century when the tribes of Banu Hilal and Banu Sulaym, along with others, were sent by the Fatimids to defeat a Berber rebellion and then settle in the Maghreb. It is large enough to house individuals, should they have chosen to live inside them. [12] The temple inscriptions (in Ancient Greek and Nabataean Aramaic) state that it was constructed by a priest named dt of the "Thamd of Robath" for lh, apparently the patron deity of the tribe, with the Roman government's support. And [We destroyed] 'Aad and Thamud and the companions of the well and many generations between them. They carved-out habitations on the hills and mountainscaves constructed on high places. In the historical and archaeological record, both were contemporaries, but by the time of the Prophet in the 7th century AD, they had become little more than a distant memory, and their ruins, places of myth and legend. So leave her to eat within Allahs land and do not touch her with harm, lest there seize you a painful punishment. And Ad and Thamud as has been made clear from their dwellings. 12. God knows best. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. More than a century after Jesus, in the reign of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (d. 180 AD), we find that a part of the Thamud tribe was enrolled in the Roman army. The Nabateans A Reminder of the Story of 'Aad and Thamud by Ibn Kathir, taken from Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Abridged), Volume 8 Darussalam 2000 As for `Ad, they were arrogant in the land without right and they said: 'Who is mightier than us in strength?' See they not that Allah Who created them was mightier in strength than them. What is the issue here? They just wanted to catch him in some sort of inconsistency they could use to discredit him. Large numbers of Bani Rasheed are also found on the Arabian Peninsula. If the Bible tells us nothing more, at least it illustrates that carving out structures on mountains predated the Nabateans, and that is all we need to refute the Christian allegation against the Quran. Rather, it tells us to look at the region in which Thamud had existed as well as the many generations after them. the nation of Shuayb (as) is mentioned (78-79). 2. And you said the inside has to be bigger how big do you think it has to be inside like the inside of petra or smaller or bigger and how many rooms do you think there should of been or do you think the inside of madion al saleh is the right size sorry for all the questions but these are it then I wont ask any more questions Im justin putting them all so then thats it jazzakkallah, This is also part of 4. 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